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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Had a call from Dave yesterday and we decided to go today as the weather looked not too bad and he hadn't been out for a while.

Bass was our target species.

Left at 7 wind not too bad at all and off for some live bait, no problem plenty of mackys and small scad, perfect throttle down and double figure knots (just, before you comment Nigel).

By the time we got on the banks it had roughed up a tad!!!!

Not a problem it will flatten on the ebb tide!! Wrong, very wrong!!!! :(

A nice hit first drift, fish on, get it up and a tope, and that was all that was hitting the baits every drop.

Tide dropped away and tope left with it, then the wind held us still against the last of the flood, easier than sitting at anchor.

Dropped down a flapper and caught a spotted ray.

Once the ebb started nothing on the first couple of drifts so punched into the weather to give another bank a try.

Dave lands a 3lb Bass so not a blank day, then a few more drifts a couple of dropped fish and as bait was getting low decided to drop back onto first bank.

Dave then lands a 4lb 10oz weighed on land as it was showing around 6lb at sea.

I dropped yet another!!! (anchor comes to mind!!!) :(

Dave the Bass then lands another on the next drift weighed on land at 5lb.

Now I'm starting to feel a little left out of the party, even more so when he then lands a 3lb 10oz, by now our baits were finished so had a last drift with a red gill and Dave using dead macky, nothing taken so home we went!

Well surfing back at times touching 20knots was a bit of fun for Dave helming as I made some cheese and tomato rolls.

Would you like some salt Dave I asked, please he said, salt opened and splat the poxy lid came off and filled rolls with salt!!! :( :( (photo to follow)

They were sent over a ground bait as Dave almost threw up trying one that had been unsalted badly, not easy as everything is flying around!!

Came in via swash channel as East Looe on the bottom of the ebb and an Easterly best keep clear.

Coming down the swash the swells were topping 15ft at times so quite hairy.


A day where it was less than ideal to be out but the wind was nothing like they said it would be. A fun day with the usual banter and p--- taking not to mention about Bassing lessons from Dave next time out!! ;)




I Popped into Cobbs today and learned of Dave's success from the Guru himself. He showed me the

waves in the Swash he had videoed on the way in on his I phone. Looked like something out of the "Catch" programme being shown on TV at the moment!!!!!!!


I must say you are a brave skipper.



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