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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

Sounds like I'm off to prison !!!!

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Just received this, they must think I'm stupid.

Pity the lawyers don't speak English.



From: graeme@judges.co.uk
Sent: Thursday, September 24, 2015 2:51 PM
To: sales@pbsbac.co.uk


Federal levy dodging accusation




This Monday our lawyers received final notice sent by Internal Revenue.
They are found You guilty in tax avoidance that is allegedly a serious crime and consequently may bring to fines to be imposed.
In the attachment please review scanned copy of the mentioned notification.
Kindly review the enclosure very carefully in order to prepare objections later.
Based on our legal department's  the appointment with Revenue Service representatives is to be preset this month.
Our consultants explicitly recommend You to prepare for this deposition since serious accusations are brought against You.
Right after getting Your confirmation our lawyers will start filling necessary blanks.
Linda Richards Senior Accountant



They phone me saying I have a Virus.

I pretend to follow their instructions and switch the computer on.

After delaying for a few minutes they as me what I can see ?

I usually reply " Fairies dancing around the garden "   or   "  Fluffy bunnies hopping about "

After having to repeat it a couple of times they tell me to f*** off and hang up !

Well that's no way for a helpdesk to behave ! !  :D


Derek Taylor has had the so called "Microsoft" phone call, saying they've detected a problem on his computer, he always asks if they are psychic, as he hasn't got one, but intends buying one tomorrow.


I took a call from the Microsoft Windows Team just yesterday to fix the fault they detected on my computer, and when asked if it was a scam they told me about their company, it's credentials and how proud they were working for them. I asked them how they were going to help, and I played along for quite a while. Eventually, I got bored, and asked how come they were looking at Windows when I had an Apple Mac....and the blighter hung up on me.




Just received this, they must think I'm stupid.

Pity the lawyers don't speak English.



From: graeme@judges.co.uk
Sent: Thursday, September 24, 2015 2:51 PM
To: sales@pbsbac.co.uk


Federal levy dodging accusation





This Monday our lawyers received final notice sent by Internal Revenue.

They are found You guilty in tax avoidance that is allegedly a serious crime and consequently may bring to fines to be imposed.

In the attachment please review scanned copy of the mentioned notification.

Kindly review the enclosure very carefully in order to prepare objections later.

Based on our legal department's  the appointment with Revenue Service representatives is to be preset this month.

Our consultants explicitly recommend You to prepare for this deposition since serious accusations are brought against You.

Right after getting Your confirmation our lawyers will start filling necessary blanks.

Linda Richards Senior Accountant


I'm sure if you  take up the offer from the nigerian who is offering half of £10m if you send him your bank details you'll have sufficient funds to pay whatever the fine is :)


The way I heard it is these email threats / promises of riches are intended to snare stupid people and only stupid people the bad grammer and spelling excetra is not spotted by them it is a filtering system to select the easily fooled. Not so dumb!


So the good news you're all not stupid

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