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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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We were rudely awoken at three fifty this morning to the sound of the van alarm. Some little toe rag decided to smash the drivers window and slash two brand new tyres (only fitted last month) on the van. This is the second time we have been targeted in the last six weeks the first attack was our front bay window which was smashed with a lump of concrete at one thirty in the morning.


Is there anyone in the club who supplies/fits security cameras or can recommend someone please. I really need to find someone pretty quick 'cos being hit twice in such a short time is very worrying.


Thanks for reading this hope someone can help.





Ouch !


Not good Big Col !


Sorry can't help.


Although one of my neighbours bought one and says very easy to install.

I think he said about £120. with 4 cameras and a box with a hard drive in it I think ?


I installed some of these after they tried to have Tiddler's engine away.:  http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B007J4AFG4?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00

Very pleased with them.

Although they can't steal, vandalise or " sign on " with no fingers and we don't need to pay for security.






I have cameras covering my property when we were vandalised. Not much help as need really to be within 10 feet to get a recognisable face


Sorry to hear of your troubles Colin.  As Mal says if you need an electrician to fit I have the number of the chap we use however I think a lot of the diy type cameras are wireless.


Cant personally see the point of cameras being hidden here there and everywhere as the object should be to deter the professional thief and catch the muppets.


Now this is a time of good will so we must wait until after Boxing Day then chop their hands off

:D  :D  :D

Ever thought of running for Prime Minister Graham ? :P


Thanks for the replies. I have bought and fitted a Swan setup very easy DIY except that I wanted to run all cables internally and having had a loft conversion I found I am just a little large for crawling through behind the walls in the eaves. I only got stuck once, I found it fine crawling forward on my front but going in reverse was bloody awkward and painful.. Still all done now and picture quality is very good on the HD system.

With regards to loosing fingers I would like to cut a lot more off the b....rds than just their bloody fingers.

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