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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Forecast starting to shape up a bit now, looking ok(ish) Poole side but dreadful over the channel. That said will probably be different in the morning!


I've polished the whole boat today so she is sat gleaming and raring to go!!


I am sure it will be a brilliant forecast for all you guys as I am grounded for

R the foreseeable so Redfin sits littering up the dry stack!!!!!!!!!!!. ........ Hope u all have a Brill trip will miss the company

A very frustrated Peter


Oh no Pete. Nothing serious I hope?


The forecast is looking grim both sides of the Channel and has done for the past couple of days, I'm now looking at June if it doesn't switch.


I'm fine though, we had such a good trip in Aug last year there will be plenty more calm weekends through the summer. The benefit of having your own boat... Go when you like!


A up Craig

I think you called him some thing stronger than that last year when he kept tangling you up 😁😁😁


A up Craig

I think you called him some thing stronger than that last year when he kept tangling you up

Dave would not do such a thing?


I think that you're the guilty one  :P

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