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Junior Comp Rules 2017

Competition Dates are:
8th \ 9th July - fishing 1 day only - nominate day on booking-in
19th \ 20th August - fishing 1 day only - nominate day on booking-in
24th September - followed by presentation at Cobb's BBQ Area

There are 3 opportunities for a junior to fish this comp - the junior may fish up to 3 times - once in July, once in August and once in September. When there is an option to fish saturady or sunday - the day being fished must be stated at booking-in.

Fishing time:
09:00 - 15:00

Style of Competiton - 2 comps in 1:
- Specimen Competition - Under 16yrs - largest specimen award over up to 3 comps. Please record your juniors' best specimen by weight, photo required and to be submitted with form. Usual Club Specimen weights used.
- Species Hunt - split in to 2 age groups - under 11yrs & 11yrs+ to 16yrs.
Score sheets need to be sent to open@pbsbac.co.uk within 48 hrs of each comp - these will be made available on the forum or emailed by request.

5 hooks at any one time over max of 2 rods (easier for juniors can use 1 rod to feather).

Area to fish:
All boats compeating will fish within Club Waters and within 5 miles of land (northern boundry of Club Waters). The captain of the boat deems what is suitable for crew and craft. Whether the competition goes ahead will be decision of Safety Officer\Comp Organiser by 19:00 the night before.

The decision whether each competition goes ahead will be made by the PBSBAC Safety Officer \ Comp Organiser day before each competition. A post will be put on the forum the night before each competition to confirm the decision.

Species scoring:
Each Junior will be issued with a Species Hunt Score Sheet. Each species of fish caught will be awarded with the points stated on the sheet. Should a junior catch more than one of the same species then each additional fish will count as an additional one point. Its is important that the Parent/Skipper log all fish caught on each competition day. Please submit within 72 hrs of the comp start - execpet on the final day, please bring form to Cobbs Quay by 17:00.

All Juniors must be accompanied by a responsible adult.

Note: If a competition day is cancelled it may not be re-scheduled.

Juniors must be registered at least the day before each competiton starts (execpt for the last date (Sept) when 2 weeks notice is required). Registering is via the Comp Organiser or on the forum thread: http://www.pbsbac.co.uk/ipb/topic/19355-junior-comp-2017-rules-regs-and-booking-in/

Juniors over 11 are expected to cast and retrieve fish on their own with minimal help.

Comp Organiser's decision is final.

8th or 9th July - Junior Comp 1
19th or 20th August - Junior Comp 2
24th September - Junior Comp 3 & presentation at Cobb's BBQ Area

The score sheet below:



PBSBAC Junior Fishing Competition ScoreSheet 2017.pdf


Alfresco For the 1st and last comps only-- Jayden Wald age 11

Middle one is too close to his Mum and Dads wedding day, I think we will all be busy 


Olivia Francis:


Sun 9th July

Sun 20th August

Sun 24th Sept


Fishing on Joint Venture


Curtis and Sophie Driver will fish the first one with Allan Green and Fisheagle. Many thanks to Allan for offering his help with the juniors Paul Driver. Have we got any score sheets to print off yet?


8th July

Jayden Wald age 11 - Alfresco


9th July 

Blake Witheford - Kingfisher

Jacob Givans  - Kingfisher

Reuben Franklin - Joint Venture

Olivia Francis - Joint Venture

Sam Annear - Joint Venture

Dom Annear - Joint Venture



19th August


20th August

Reuben Franklin - Joint Venture

Olivia Francis - Joint Venture

Sam Annear - Joint Venture

Dom Annear - Joint Venture



24th September

Jayden Wald age 11 - Alfresco

Reuben Franklin - Joint Venture

Olivia Francis - Joint Venture

Sam Annear - Joint Venture

Dom Annear - Joint Venture


Curtis and Sophie Driver will fish the first one with Allan Green and Fisheagle. Many thanks to Allan for offering his help with the juniors Paul Driver. Have we got any score sheets to print off yet?


What date please? 8th or 9th


jayden may be fishing the 9th or the 8th, unsure yet as depends on when mum can look after jack as Eileen is working and also the boat currently doesn't have a helms unit as off for repair.


but will know by the end of the week before you make your weather decision.


Hi Rob Curtis and Sophie will be out on the weekend just need to confirm with Allan best day for weather as forecast a bit mixed between the days thanks Paul.


Serenity will only be able to fish August 29/20 and Sept23/24 with Lucy Marriott


Will confirm dates before July


Unfortunately she cannot fish this weekend due to visiting the other grand parents




Sophie and Curtis Driver will fish on Saturday 8th on Fisheagle the weather looks better than Sunday.

Its nice to have the two dates as an option to pick the best weather, could we have that option on the last comp and have an option of fishing a saturday or a sunday. I understand the presentation is on the sunday but for some it might be a better option to go to the presentation the next day as we are very much weather dependant for our fishing. Having the option to pick the best of the weather seems a good idea. Paul D


The forecast for the weekend looks good, Iam away on the weekend but I do not think this is going to change, sea breezes this time of the year can make for choppy conditions, so be prepared to take some shelter if it becomes uncomfortable.

Tight Lines and enjoy the day, please wear your lifejackets they are no good in the cupboard. ;)


The forecast for the weekend looks good, Iam away on the weekend but I do not think this is going to change, sea breezes this time of the year can make for choppy conditions, so be prepared to take some shelter if it becomes uncomfortable.

Tight Lines and enjoy the day, please wear your lifejackets they are no good in the cupboard. ;)

Thanks Mal, i confirm it is a go go go!


Sophie and Curtis Driver will fish on Saturday 8th on Fisheagle the weather looks better than Sunday.

Its nice to have the two dates as an option to pick the best weather, could we have that option on the last comp and have an option of fishing a saturday or a sunday. I understand the presentation is on the sunday but for some it might be a better option to go to the presentation the next day as we are very much weather dependant for our fishing. Having the option to pick the best of the weather seems a good idea. Paul D


The 2 days dose indeed give flexability but the single sunday is to get as many anglers to Cobbs on th day.


Remember you only have to fish 1 day to take part in the species and specimen comps.




Serenity will only be able to fish August 29/20 and Sept23/24 with Lucy Marriott


Will confirm dates before July


Unfortunately she cannot fish this weekend due to visiting the other grand parents



THere is no 23 sept! (or 29 aug - think you meant 19th).


8th July

Sophie Driver - Fish Eagle

Curtis Driver - Fish Eagle


9th July 

Blake Witheford - Kingfisher

Jacob Givans  - Kingfisher

Reuben Franklin - Joint Venture

Olivia Francis - Joint Venture

Sam Annear - Joint Venture

Dom Annear - Joint Venture



19th August

Lucy Marriott - Serenity - date tbc


20th August

Reuben Franklin - Joint Venture

Olivia Francis - Joint Venture

Sam Annear - Joint Venture

Dom Annear - Joint Venture




24th September

Jayden Wald age 11 - Alfresco

Reuben Franklin - Joint Venture

Olivia Francis - Joint Venture

Sam Annear - Joint Venture

Dom Annear - Joint Venture

Lucy Marriott - Serenity - date tbc


Madness will be out with Dan and Pheobe.

Hoping for a less eventful day than last year when Dan got a hook right through his finger,smashed his finger in a door then done his shin on the fly ladder. God help me!

I recommend a large role of bubble wrap!!!

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