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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Hi All


Im off to look at an Explorer elite this evening, they seem to have good reviews and have been around a while.

Does anyone have any pointers to look out for?


Here is the link




I was looking for something with a newer engine but Not much about.


Any feed back greatly received.







Nice boats and if well looked after they are as good as Warrior's


The trailer brakes are the biggest hassle on all trailers, work checking the wheel bearings as well


I have a report on an Elite on my website, see signature for link Fishing Boats & Equipment


Hope it works out for you




Hi Mike,

really good looking boat, what year is the boat. 

our boat had a 50hp 2 stroke and it went ok,later upgraded to a 70 hp 4 stroke wanted a 60hp but was none in UK.

Fitted self leveling trim tabs and it made a big improvement.

only a small thing but check transom bung is not split .

as Coddy says check trailer brakes and bearings,we fitted bearing savers and a brake flushing kit.

The Elite is a good boat and is easy to launch and retrieve.

Have a look on Coddys site he does a good review.

any questions just let me know.



Thanks all, I did take a look at Coddys site and it was a nice review. So I went to take a look at it with the boss and we paid the deposit on it.


The guy is getting the outboard fully serviced with receipts before I pick it up.

The s/n indicated it was made in 2008 If I read it correctly, Its been well looked after it had a very small amount of scuffing on the gel coat at the bow where it had missed the roller trailer.

Engine fired up at the turn of the key felt cold the touch before start.

Only downside is he removed the brakes from the trailer, Not a big issue for me as I'm going to store it at Rockley probable dry stacked. The boat sits under the 750kg weight limited so its not a problem for me as I have a x-trail to tow. He does have the brake kit still though so I may refit them over the winter.

Ill post a few better pics tomorrow.





The gross weight will mean you need a braked trailer for this set-up.

bear in mind the Honda is a heavy engine.


Even with the 2 stroke on ours it was over the unbracked limit.

We used to tow ours with a Mondeo 2.0 diesel no problem.




If you are having the boat stacked then fit the brakes and you can sell the trailer, if the boat will be sat on the trailer and used to launch the boat on the slip then leave them off.


My son has a rib at Rockley and uses the trailer to launch and recover and I have to say it can be a pain to get it all lined up straight on the trailer as the wind and current can swing the boat about a lot. If you do use the trailer I would suggest getting some floatem poles to help align the boat on the trailer. http://www.floatempoles.co.uk/

If stacked they will lift and lower the boat on the fork lift so easy to moor up and let them do the rest.




As Dave (Coddy) said, if you're not going to be trailing the boat and provided it's not too from where it is to Rockley, I'd take the chance and tow it there without brakes. Then probably sell the trailer.


Yep your right on the weight thing boat and engine come in at 530KG its a good looking break back trailer so im gueissing it ways more than 200kg.

However Its only in upton and im moving it to Rockely so should be fine. The old Xtrail is the 2.2 diesel so I know it wont struggle with it. Once I have It and get it in the yard I can decide best way to proceed.


Thanks All.


  • 2 weeks later...

OMG the longest 2 weeks ever! And finely I pick it up and move it to its new home at Rockley. Sadly the carbs are off as they are being stripped and cleaned as one of them has a sticky float where its been sat with fuel In it :(

So I wont be able to use it this weekend...

Still I have plenty of work to do to make it ours. Trim tabs have arrived as suggested by Mick and I need to install gps/fish finder and nav lights.





As Mick said, you'll need the retractor kit, or the fork lift at Rockley could damage the tabs. Take a look at mine if you want to see what they are.

I also fitted them to Geddar, which is the other Warrior 165 at Rockley.


Nauticus Pr500 Trim Plate Retractor Kit (33570SY) 


It used to be sold as a trolling adapter, so you can push the further down to slow the boat at tickover. I fitted some as "retractor kit" 10+yrs ago but had to get from the US as not available in Europe. great for launching is 10" water.




Thanks guys ill go hit up the lads at force4 tommorow,seems like I've been living in there place the last few weeks lol.


Btw Brian did u manage to get all that antifoul out of your hair it looked like a cheap hair replacement procedure gone wrong :-)

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