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Clubs AGM and Presentation Tuesday 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club BH15 3EU ×

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This coming weekend would have been our club annual Bass Competition


As a club it has been considered inappropriate to hold this competition whilst their is a ban on taking Bass


Whilst catch and release is allowed - we do not think that as a club we should be actively asking club members to go out and specifically target Bass


Hopefully once the ruling has been changed, we can reinstate this competition.




As bass are a sport fish, we like to fish for and release. Why would we not hold this comp?

Does this not go against any argument we might want to pose for 'protect bass they are not just a source of food but a sport fish we care for'? We may as well say, open the flood gates and let us go slaughter them!



Bit late now but an open discussion when the ban on retention came in, on adding a rule using circle or barbless hooks  only might have been useful.


Looks like the weather stalls the debate !!


I'm all for running the comp .... in a week or two when summer returns.


On the positive side....there seems to be a good number of small bass [ 1 to 2 lbs class ] out there....ripping into the shoals of bait fish..


Since there is no ban on catch and release I see no reason not to hold the annual competition.

Places I fish typically have commercials catching all they can for sale and hopefully releasing underside ones, against that not holding the comp is a pointless gesture IMO.


Both sides of this argument carry weight.

The Bass will be hammered by illegals whether boat or shore fished.

The poor old sea fish never get a chance to learn because we catch them and eat them ( not doggies though )

Barbless hooks would mean they get that chance. ( good for the fish but not good for crap anglers like me )


I don't know what's best but we need to be careful not to destroy our seas. :(



Interesting you mention barbless Jim. I believe that many carp fisheries are banning them in favour of micro-barbed. Reason being, the barless move about during the fight and can create a large hole in the fishes mouth. Where as the micro-barbed hooks don't shift about and are best allround.


Interesting you mention barbless Jim. I believe that many carp fisheries are banning them in favour of micro-barbed. Reason being, the barless move about during the fight and can create a large hole in the fishes mouth. Where as the micro-barbed hooks don't shift about and are best allround.


Every hook moves about surely ? A barb only prevents the hook from exiting the flesh or skin of a fishes mouth. It doesn’t stop the rest of the bend and shank moving around !

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I gave up coarse fishing about 24 years ago so I'm behind in what's current.

We had to use barbless when I fished the carp pools.


Back to the bass comp !   Why have we cancelled ???  Take or no take makes no difference !  We can still fish for bass [as I have been doing]  .  We fished it last year ...with the silly one fish limit... and we put most back.   So this year we put all back !


Every hook moves about surely ? A barb only prevents the hook from exiting the flesh or skin of a fishes mouth. It doesn’t stop the rest of the bend and shank moving around !

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Huge difference apparently, the barbless can come out then create a new hook hold/hole. I for one, like a barb and the carp boys are so nuts about what they do, I'll take their word for it.


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