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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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One TINY spotted to Me on Madness.

Terry had a good Tope 30lb+ 

We all hooked stuff and got bitten off.

Had a few very small congers.

Terry had 2 of the smallest Mackerel I've ever seen.

What a gorgeous day to be out.

Thanks again Martin.

Terry your home made pasties heated up in the Dutch ? oven were superb.

Thanks for a fantastic day out.:)





Fisheagle tried a few well trusted ray marks. We had some fresh mackerel and given the tide and weather conditions, we were quietly confident. We caught every thing but rays. It was only our last mark that came up with a single solitary undulate of 10 lbs. to me.


Good fun was had with largish tope and we were all bitten off. As the tide turned, we went onto another bank. Several bags of chum later, we had more small Conger, Tope and a few other fish. We then started to hit decent bream on the Ray rigs. We probably had over a dozen between 2 and 3 lbs. The best one of 3 lbs. 12ozs. going to Mike. A bonus bull Huss, which I needed for the Individual Species Comp. completed what turned out to be a day of contrasts.


A lovely day to be out with good company and a weather forecast that was almost correct.




33 minutes ago, Leicester Fisheagle said:

Fisheagle tried a few well trusted ray marks. We had some fresh mackerel and given the tide and weather conditions, we were quietly confident. We caught every thing but rays. It was only our last mark that came up with a single solitary undulate of 10 lbs. to me.


Good fun was had with largish tope and we were all bitten off. As the tide turned, we went onto another bank. Several bags of chum later, we had more small Conger, Tope and a few other fish. We then started to hit decent bream on the Ray rigs. We probably had over a dozen between 2 and 3 lbs. The best one of 3 lbs. 12ozs. going to Mike. A bonus bull Huss, which I needed for the Individual Species Comp. completed what turned out to be a day of contrasts.


A lovely day to be out with good company and a weather forecast that was almost correct.




Hmmm good company ? That's not what you been calling me all day 😂

It was a wonderful day out again on Fisheagle thanks to Alan my species count is climbing and a visiting friend who has come to down from the north to do some fishing down south had a great day sharing knowledge and banter and catching a few nice bream and red Gurnard thrown in for good measure  so a good day had by all 



Tigerfish, no Rays.

A late start, Diane doesn't do early!

Tried a new offshore mark, lost a tope and that was it. Went over to my banker blond ray bank and it let me down. Failed to catch any fresh mackerel either so fished with frozen the whole time which didn't fill me with confidence.

Sounds like I should have fished inshore.


Loobie 1V had a wonderful day like everyone else.!

The fishing was slow, mackerel, straps, Bream, Brill, Tope,, lsd, and 3 blondes best 12lbs 8oz. Andy had the first fish on the boat and great company, really good turnout of boats and anglers, shame more rays hadn’t heard about it. Doombar to finish  the day with the Madness crew, perfect. 

 Result TBC





11 hours ago, Leicester Fisheagle said:

Fisheagle tried a few well trusted ray marks. We had some fresh mackerel and given the tide and weather conditions, we were quietly confident. We caught every thing but rays. It was only our last mark that came up with a single solitary undulate of 10 lbs. to me.


Good fun was had with largish tope and we were all bitten off. As the tide turned, we went onto another bank. Several bags of chum later, we had more small Conger, Tope and a few other fish. We then started to hit decent bream on the Ray rigs. We probably had over a dozen between 2 and 3 lbs. The best one of 3 lbs. 12ozs. going to Mike. A bonus bull Huss, which I needed for the Individual Species Comp. completed what turned out to be a day of contrasts.


A lovely day to be out with good company and a weather forecast that was almost correct.





11 hours ago, Leicester Fisheagle said:

Fisheagle tried a few well trusted ray marks. We had some fresh mackerel and given the tide and weather conditions, we were quietly confident. We caught every thing but rays. It was only our last mark that came up with a single solitary undulate of 10 lbs. to me.


Good fun was had with largish tope and we were all bitten off. As the tide turned, we went onto another bank. Several bags of chum later, we had more small Conger, Tope and a few other fish. We then started to hit decent bream on the Ray rigs. We probably had over a dozen between 2 and 3 lbs. The best one of 3 lbs. 12ozs. going to Mike. A bonus bull Huss, which I needed for the Individual Species Comp. completed what turned out to be a day of contrasts.


A lovely day to be out with good company and a weather forecast that was almost correct.








It was good to chat to you in the marina, we weren't in the comp but we had a reasonable day. I caught my first red mullet, too many small bream and we had a few bass. One was a fair size caught on a live pout. See you again soon Jim


Marlin had a quiet day watchin Rob and his guests catching all of the Rays on Solan just 15 meters from us !!!


However, I did eventually get to land 3 Rays in the end, a spotted ray 2lb 5ozs, and two small Eyed Rays, one 5lb and one 7lb10ozs.


Also, an unusual catch that came up in the mouth of half a mackerel bait - a Sea Horse !! Now I am sure that is not on the Year species list??????




Spotted Ray Caught in Swanage Bay 08 09 189.jpg

Small Eyed Ray Caught In Swanage Bay 08 09 19.JPG

Sea Horse Landed in Swanage Bay 08 09 19.JPG


'Terry your home made pasties heated up in the Dutch ? oven were superb.'

Jim, close, no cigar, Swedish oven but thanks for the mention.


'Also, an unusual catch that came up in the mouth of half a mackerel bait - a Sea Horse !! Now I am sure that is not on the Year species list??????'

Greg, did you weigh it? Yay or Neigh?




Ray Competition Results


1st Trevor Thomas  Thornback Ray 13lbs 2oz 100.96%


2nd Charlotte Frances Thornback Ray 83.17%


3rd Livvy Frances Undulate Ray 12lbs 4oz 76.56%


4th Mal Thomas Thornback Ray  9lbs 8oz 73.08%


5th Greg Toms Small eyed Ray 7lbs 10oz 69.32%


Congratulations to the winners and everyone who took part. It was great to see an excellent turnout.

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