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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Weather forecast excellent, a hopeful trip looking for a Cod.

Myself, Dave,Norman and Chris as a mediator left for the 9.30 bridge.

Weather forecast being correct we soon got out to our first mark. First drop I had a double header of Rays which was a first, Dave followed with an Undulate and  Norman kept his end up with a doggy! Sorry about the hose incident Chris and Norman, you both needed a wash anyway😜🙈.

A few more bits and pieces before Norman hit the jackpot with a Smalleyed Ray,  new species. With slack water we moved offshore and found an interesting feature that was “sure “ to hold Cod🤔.

We had Congers, Pout, Black Bream, Doggies action from the start. After an hour a huge splash 50m away, right next to the boat and a Thesher was on the hunt. After putting out a whole Mackerel with no response from the Thresher,  the fishing had stopped like a light switch  so a move required. Another bank found and because we hadn’t had a bite in 5 minutes the skipper obviously had no idea.

 Norman peaked with a double header of Spotted Ray and a Brill for tea, a few more Bream caught, we let Dave catch the better ones for some tea, even if he did drop the best one back in🤣🤣🤣

Back In for the 4.30 lift in beautiful conditions, seeing Marichelle by the Old town bridge.

It was a stunning day and the banter was really excellent, thanks for all your crewing boys and let’s hope the Cod join us next time. 





5 minutes ago, Greg said:

This time of year I think you need to be down the IOW end of the bay for a better chance of the Cod.


I think you're using the correct determiner there Greg, The Cod is probably what it will be again. 😏


Glad you found some Ray's, the only ones we could catch were sunrays ! They had deserted the original ( secret ) ray mark and it had turned into a kennel club and baby smoothound  mark! Saw big shoals of bass just under the surface but they disappeared  as soon as we put some bait in.  Lovely day to be out ......don't any of you go to work?😁

13 hours ago, Greg said:


Where have you been....

The secret Ray mark has moved !!!!!

Yeah !

As you leave the Harbour follow the signs for Ye Newe secret Ray Mark !



That's the second time out with jerry in as many weeks and two cracking days fishing. Not only was the fishing good the tea was also superb we didn't run out this week. Chris kept Norman on the straight and narrow and made sure Norman and Jerry tangled them selfs and left me out of it, oh I do love my Tubertini up tider. Next time the cod better look out.

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