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Plenty of fish on Tigerfish today, mostly of the long slippery variety, also rays, bass, pout, whiting and....
1 cod 11lb exactly to Steve
Photo to follow once Alun has figured out how to get it off his phone .
I am sure I have a dot matrix printer he can hook up to it!

Well done Steve.


We arrived at Cobb's at 07:00 along with many others.

We got Madness ready, got the kettle on an " pootled out " in plenty of time for the 07:30 bridge lift.

Martin made the courtesy call to the nice bridge man as always.

Only to be told that there was no lift until 08:30 !

It seems that due to volume of road traffic ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? the lifting times were changed last week.




Oh joy ! ! our faces must've been a picture ! Such happiness ! ! ! ! :(

I wonder how hard it would be for some sort of live feed from lifting bridge to Cobb's and then Cobb's to email all berth holders ?

All automatically ! ! !

We could then be informed of these changes. :)

Anyway . . . . . . No Cod to report.

Martin & Dean had some whiting. Most of which were keepers. Some little ones went back.

A few congers and that's yer lot.

Weather was good, Sea was calm.

Such a lovely treat to be out again with Martin & Dean.

Thank you Gents.

Went to the club for the prizes & food.


Good to see you all there.

Thank you to Andy for organizing and thanks to the Liberal club for luuuuuuuuvly food.


Here's a photo from a video of Looby 1111 coming back in as the Sun goes down.    ;)






Looby 1111.PNG


Cod competition results.


PBSBAC club results


1st Steve Scott 11lbs Cod


2nd Andy Garrett 10lbs Cod



Poole Sea Angling Centre Competition results


1st Pete Richardson Codling 5lbs 15oz non club member


2nd Colin Whitehead (whiting) 2lbs 13.5oz 


31 entries 

11 private boats 

1 charter boat


Well done Colin, lovely Whiting.


PSA second Cod Competition has been cancelled, Andy is running a Flounder Competition in conjunction with ours in December details to follow.




A wonderful day to be at sea, congratulations to all who took part especially the winners. 


Many great stories including a club boat landing a 150lbs guesstimate Porbeagle.

Hopefully the full story of this will follow.





4 hours ago, Rob said:

I am sure I have a dot matrix printer he can hook up to it!

Well done Steve.



Haha, Alun has finally caught up with the 21st Century Rob, he has a smartphone!!! , one of the last holdouts succumbed, just on a bit of a learning curve... it's posted on photo of the month. 


I'm just so pleased there was actually some cod caught on the day, good to see plenty of entrants.


Well done Steve on finding a decent cod.

A great turn out for the comps and a few cod to the scales. 
On Kingfisher we didn’t find them but had a fun day with a few different species including Dave hooking a porbie twice, second time we got it alongside the boat. A great achievement considering the tackle being used and the tide.

tried to get a loop around its tail as it had a trace wrapped around it an cutting into it.

Sadly didn’t manage to get it off.

Dave has more video that he is going to edit but a short piece to see below.


Cheers Andy for a well run Comp to run alongside club comp and putting on food and venue for meeting up exchanging the days stories. 👍


Well done Steve on finding a decent cod.
A great turn out for the comps and a few cod to the scales. 
On Kingfisher we didn’t find them but had a fun day with a few different species including Dave hooking a porbie twice, second time we got it alongside the boat. A great achievement considering the tackle being used and the tide.
tried to get a loop around its tail as it had a trace wrapped around it an cutting into it.
Sadly didn’t manage to get it off.
Dave has more video that he is going to edit but a short piece to see below.
Cheers Andy for a well run Comp to run alongside club comp and putting on food and venue for meeting up exchanging the days stories.

That trace... didn’t have some orange leader attached to it did it Chris ?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

What a superb day ! 

New crew member that has never been fishing before, never been out on a boat before, made the coffee, soup and sandwiches .


Fully loaded up with Paracetamol , Vicks Vapour Rub, left the pontoon at 11.30  for a gentle cruise round the harbour 😁


I decided to fish inside the Spoiles, drift fishing, trying to take the easy option due to both of us having stinking colds.


Lost count of the amount of Whiting, stuck to light gear with scraps of rag so very much a lazy gentle day.









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