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I struggled as well even with my nhs number.  My iphone wouldn't open to take photos when requested.  Sent a message to the helpline, their response was useless.  In the end I registered through my pc with my old Samsung phone attached to upload the necessary info.  Did it in the end but what a work up.  Have now downloaded my piece of vaccine proof but don't think I will need it going up Southampton water and the river Hamble :neutral:

Did you not read on the meet post that anybody coming from the west of Hampshire has to have proof of a double jab? Also you’re not allowed to catch dog fish. They are precious to some.

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Neil I have proof of being invincible and you can keep your precious dogfish, we are only coming for the beer beer_40x40.gif

I’ll remind you of that when your not feeling very invincible at 8am on the Sunday morning!

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Apparently Dean has the Friday completely off of work so we will be coming up am fishing our way across, are you or any of the others around in the eve Friday?

Yes. Me, Jon and I believe Andy.
It will be chino Friday!

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14 minutes ago, Maverick said:

Cool which vhf channel do you guys use up there?

Cool???? Getting a bit hip and trendy there Mr. Burt.



48 minutes ago, Maverick said:

I know aren't I awful, you in for fish and chips Thursday? 

Could be or perhaps Chinese, I've been tempted twice recently. I would hate to miss my favourite diner.



21 hours ago, Maverick said:

we are only coming for the beer Beer emoticon

Ooh! Look at that. He's getting his excuses for blanking in early.


Accommodation update, for those staying at Bonjour Guest House (Reel Magic and Tigerfish crews), Mel is doing takeaway breakfasts as she is unable to do 2mtr distancing in the dining room but be assured, it will not be a cheap option apparently. This actually suits me as this is what I usually do after cereal. I cannot confirm if Simerock are doing the same as I haven't managed to get hold of Gill yet, I will update when I do.




Further update, I have spoken to Gill at Simerock now and, at the moment, she will be doing sit down breakfasts as she has a large dining room. This could change when she learns where the other guests are coming from or if the Authorities change things which happens on Fridays. If you would prefer take out, she is happy to go with that but let her know. This applies to Ian, Chris and Dave.


Watch this space!




Just a little bump as a reminder.


For those staying in B&Bs, a Covid lateral flow test the day before would be very much appreciated although not a mandatory requirement. If it's against your human rights, religious beliefs or you just think it's not necessary, fine, just passing on the information, doesn't seem like a biggy to me and I shall be complying for the peace of mind of my skipper having me in his wheelhouse. They are going to pass this on to the charter skippers.



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