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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Went out to the Black bream mark in the fabulous early conditions. Didn’t find any but did get some dogs and 2 personal best Rays

Undulate at 16lb and Spotty at 4.75. Question. My scale does pounds but to me it looks like it then does percentages of lbs?

The undulate bounced from 15.98 to 16.28 lbs.

The spotted from 4.75 to just under 5

Will be adding the weights to catch reports once you chaps clarify











Nice catch ive never caught a ray where bouts was you poole patch ? That must of been great sport hauling that big ray in on a cayack lol very well done 👏 👌👍


Those scales are reading in pounds and decimals. 

to get the ounces then multiply 16 by the decimal so

16 X .98 = 15.7 oz

16 X .28 = 4.9 oz 

Undulate was between 15lb 15.7oz and 16lb 4.9oz

Spotty was 4lb 11.2 oz using weight shown on scales (4.70)

Hope that makes sense.


Sorry to be picky


Not sure that is correct 15.98lb cannot be 15lb 7oz, as that is less than 15.5


1 oz = 0.0625lb


0.98 divided 0.0625 equals 15.68 ounces, add to pounds


15.98 =  15lb 15oz rounded down



.75 is a little easier as .75 of a 16 ounce pound is 12 ounces

4.75 = 4lb 12 oz


Two Nice fish Lofty

1 minute ago, alun j. said:

That's a bit mean ...to round 0.98 lbs to 15 oz. !!   Only 2 grms short....I would call 15.98 ,,, 16 lbs.


I'd call it 20 lbs if I was on my 3rd pint ! :D

2 minutes ago, alun j. said:

That's a bit mean ...to round 0.98 lbs to 15 oz. !!   Only 2 grms short....I would call 15.98 ,,, 16 lbs.

so would I Alun


but I was trying to show my workings for my Maths. LOL


You may find with your scales, like mine, that if you hold them a bit longer, they will fix on an average figure. Obviously not quite as easy on a kayak.




Do you want to check the maths again ??


0.98 lbs  cannot be 15.68 oz   !!


2 grms  is less than 1/14 th of an oz...  just over 28 grms in an ounce


I would make 15 . 98 lbs   as 15 lbs  15. 94 oz  or  16 lbs


Cheers chaps. I don’t always weigh like this. I’ve got a big net laundry bag that acts as a sling for stingers and gilts. This way seemed a bit more brutal but they both swam away well. If i’m honest i’m sure I’ve caught bigger undulates at Southbourne but it looked pretty good so got out the scales. Makes me wonder if I should have weighed the others. The spotty was a good size and until I started hauling I thought I had my first Bream as it shot around the yak at first.
FYI my chum eventual found 2 bream

5 hours ago, great white said:

Sorry to be picky


Not sure that is correct 15.98lb cannot be 15lb 7oz, as that is less than 15.5


1 oz = 0.0625lb


0.98 divided 0.0625 equals 15.68 ounces, add to pounds


15.98 =  15lb 15oz rounded down



.75 is a little easier as .75 of a 16 ounce pound is 12 ounces

4.75 = 4lb 12 oz


Two Nice fish Lofty


Read all my post as that calculation was just working out the oz.

Underneath i had the complete weight.

Also if over .5 you round up not down lol


Nice ones Lofty.


Your leg seem to be having a bit of a love in with the Undulate Steve, you want to be careful about that, there's laws about that you know!

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