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2 hours ago, Maverick said:

Shall be listening on Ch6 if anyone has the urge to shout

Don't think I'd get you from here. 😉 Have a great day, I'm sure you will. Not jealous!




I was almost there.....


Got as far as putting the tail in the water before I found my steering had seized. Very annoying as it was a glorious day.


5 hours later, we managed to free the steering cable with some liberal use of the universal adjustment tool.


Not such a successful first trip of the year.



indeed! any time someone asks why the british car industry fell into decline should be made aware of this phrase. 


i was a bit annoyed that a 3 year old boat has seen something fail that has lasted 20 years on other boats i have owned.


I have never had to replace a teleflex cable before. the engine end of the cable had locked up and the steering box end had exploded to let the inner cable escape when under load.

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