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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Having only crewed previously to Alderney I left with trepidation knowing the trip ahead.We left on the 6.30 bridge with Reel Magic going on in search of fresh bait, we joined them adding a few to there cousins in the cool box.

We headed mid channel and found a few Pollock to break up our journey, heading on to the Casquets the weather deteriorated and we had 1-2 hours at around 12knots which hurt our mpg and crews health.

We arrived and soon found Launce and Turbot, along with good old lsd. We left the banks that day with 6 Turbot, 4 keepers, launce,Mackerel, and two Pollock. 

Arriving at the harbour I gave a perfect example of how not to leave a water taxi going a pearler on the dock🙈

Getting to the Moorings we had a few beers with Reel Magic crew before heading up “The Hill”. We headed to have dinner where Steve had booked which was great except we had to walk back down “The Hill”!

Day Two the weather was good and we headed out with our breakfast butty at 8am . We had fish throughout the day with a double hook up of a 21lbs Blonde for Steve and a PB Turbot for me of around 7.5lbs (gutted before weighed properly 🤣)

We had 8 Turbot, Blonde Ray, LSD and Gurnard .

Sundays forecast came true unfortunately and after a couple of hours trying for Bream in the harbour, none were found, even though various French yacht crews were throwing up and groundbaiting for us!! After a coffee at the Moorings J2 went lure fishing, Steve did a 20k March round the island and I crashed!!

Monday we were heading home, after filling up with the fuel bowser, and a horrible blow back and using a dozen towels and J2 scrubbing like he was on the UK Curling team we headed out.

To cut a long story short we travelled 99nm fished 7 wrecks and caught 2 Pollock and two Pout!!!! I believe it was put down to lack of tide.

Dave did better than us, a beautiful day for a crossing.

Steve hopped ashore and found fish and chips at Rockfish which really ticked the box before going through the 8.30 bridge.6EA37D08-DFB2-4BC0-A779-51CC5FD7CC89.thumb.jpeg.9cfd3910f95962bb600f3b2d78629d9b.jpeg








Sorry lack of technology!! 


Pollock and home home grown garden asparagus for dinner tonight😄😄😄


A great vote of thanks to Steve and J2 for crewing, Steve for tech questions and answers and more and J2 for tidying up after the skipper spilling fuel and much more. Well done guys until the next time.


PS Reel Magic crew were ok to!!!!! Some of the time🤣🤣🤣🤣 


I thoroughly enjoyed crewing on Loobie IV, plenty of banter, thanks for the invite Jerry. The fishing was ok really and a reasonable haul of turbos considering we only spent a day and a half on the banks. Most of them were just on or just over the size limit (41cm)


After the diesel spill... J2 was right onto it, some mega scrubbing, all you need now Jerry is to learn to draw and you will be in the British team 😀


For anyone at loose end on the Island I can recommend taking shanks pony for a tour, some parts are spectacular. 















Great report Jerry, big thank you to you, Steve and all of the Reel Magic crew for a fantastic time, having never been to the Channel Islands before it was a very special and memorable trip, great fishing experience and brilliant company. 


Second half all of the trip over once we had finished on the wrecks was a little bit choppy for my constitution but the Turbot did respond well to my ground baiting !





Shame that the weather was against us on Sunday but it was great to have a chance walk to the South end of the island at Fort Clonque and after a bit of rock climbing, chuck a lure into some of the most Bassy water I have ever seen, fizzy water with rips and Gannets diving into what must have been vast shoals of sandeels all within casting range, alas no Silver bars but did pick up several hard fighting Wrasse on SP’s. Charlie later told me the Bass don’t really show up in Alderney in numbers until a bit later in the year which may have explained the lack of action despite near perfect conditions.














Cant wait to go back again and see if I can catch up with some bigger Turbot and a Bass or two !


Don’t think I’ll be giving up fishing to peruse my curling career though, not sure I want to get a reputation as a scrubber !😂






If we buy a load of old cars and remove oils etc. can we dump them in the bay to stop all the vacuuming of the sea bed? 😒


I expect there's plenty of boxes we can't tick cos it's bad for the environment. 😒



Many years ago, one of the charter skippers in Weymouth did just that on the Shambles, this would have been early 70's.



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