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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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An interesting weekend. But not sure it was worth all the fights with the FPO!


Friday excepted an invite from Paul D to try the ledge for an evening / night session. This turned into an evening session as the wind got up and made quite lumpy and Paul also wanted to get back for an early start. struggled for Macki, and a few dogs and pout off the ledge. Thanks Paul, company made up for the fishing.



Saturday plan was a day out on Cushdy with a friend John Vass. Then I got swept up with the excitement of the Rips and we excepted an invitation from Kam to go on Sweet Honey.

Well it all started to go T*ts up from the start,


Forgot my shoes and went back ohmy.gif

Fish finder packed up 1/2 a mile from baiter dry.gif

Nearly shook my teeth out and John nearly drowned in the back on the way out blink.gif

3 mile diversion as we followed the boat with the wrong mark targeted mad.gif

Struggled to get a bite, poor old Kam couldnt buy a mackeral weep.gif

Followed Martin to the wrong marks weep.gifweep.gif

Short of fuel because of the rough trip out so headed home to anchor up on the slate beds

Nearly tipped the boat over anchoring on a PB unsure.gif

Dog fish tongue.gif



If it wasn't for the smiling face and company of Kam and John........ rolleyes.gif


Are well that's fishing. If it was easy we would call it catching and I wouldn't come back for more.



Thanks Kam biggrin.gif






Specimenless Moore sad.gif


You and John were good company, spend 2 hours this afternoon cleaning the boat, all the fish guts has dried up nicely and pretty stinky too. sick.gif


Don't think I'm cut out for long haul tho, my shoulders hurts like buggery, not sure if it was the constant steering or retriving a 2 lb weigh from 150' down.....


I think for the points comp in 2 weeks time, I'll stay inshore and burn some fuel instead.


more importantly what the hell was 2lb of lead being used for? bashing them on the head????? sad.gif


sympathise re fish guts - I ended up using the scouring side of the sponge and will pay the price in due course by having to repolish the whole damm boat to get rid of the tiny scratches


biggrin.giflaugh.gif I read your post Kam and initially assumed you meant the anchor and wondered why you weren't using the Alderney method. Now I realise you meant your fishing tackle smile.gif .


I now have pictures of you steaming out the fishing tackle tongue.gif


Our Kam was talking about holding bottom on the slate beds but mind you I was holding my bottom after that white knuckle ride to the Rips!! biggrin.gif



Mind you Martin you had all those cod to hold your mackeral feathers down!!!!!!





Fish gut: mackerals we used. I used the pressure washer, and then on hands and knees scrubbing out the deck.


lead; just had a rethink, I still have all my 1 lb, 1.5lb and 2 lb lead, so I only lost all my 8oz and 12 oz. still 12oz in 150+' is a long way down (and up).


Kam - that I agree. More than one comment on how much winding etc Having a reasonably fast retrieve rate on your reel helped!


Funily enough though no one ever complained about having to wind a fish up that distance!


When you get relly adventurous try the Hurd deeps.


There is a wreck, in the hole that they fish at anchor for congers


be aware that the charts show it as 174 metres deep [just under 600ft] ohmy.gif


Charlie biggrin.gif


time for a new anchor rode then.............


on second thoughts I don't think my anchor locker would take 600m of warp! sad.gif


just straps in that wreck Charlie?


Don't know where I would put 3 coils of rope on GW ether Duncan


After fishing plenty of 70 metre wrecks in the west country with big weights and heavy gear to ease the strain of bait changes, I have never really fancied the work rate for fishing the deeps.


I believe that there must be some very big fish out there as they are only fished rarely


Charlie biggrin.gif


if you mean a downrigger I am not sure that (1) they come with 170m of wire and (2) whether you could anchor Sweet Honey with it anyway........... rolleyes.gif


We fished a slightly shallower mark in the Hurd Deeps last year. At slack tide it was crawling with conger and ling - but after winding 2 or 3 fish in most of us sat down to have some lunch - winding 30-40lb of fish 370ft is hard work!!


Kam - you wont fancy the Deeps, if you thought the Rips were a long way! They are just North of the Channel Islands.


If you want arms, legs in fact the whole body to ache, go to Scotland and try Common Skate fishing in 600ft of water less than 1/4 mile from shore with a 2lb lead and 200lb female skate on the end! ph34r.gif


Wearing a kidney harness and but pad is a must blink.gif


Good fun though




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