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2 hours ago, Maverick said:

Loobie1V Jerry Shutter, Stuie, Dave Wilson

Marlin - Greg and Brad Sunday at the moment !!!

Madness - Martin, Adrian, Dean

Fisheagle Allan G plus one other not competing.

Kingfisher Chris W and Mal Thomas.


 The results today from Marlin:-


Greg T - Black Goby, Pout, Ballan Wrasse, Plaice, Conger Eel, LSD, Tope = 7 Species


Mike Fox - Corkwing Wrasse, Black Bream, Black Goby, Pout, Goldsinny Wrasse, Bailions Wrasse,  Whiting, Cuckoo Wrasse, Plaice,Tub Gurnard, Conger Eel, LSD, Tope = 13 Species.



Having not fished a species comp for over three years it was frustrating how out of touch I was today with my fishing. Also, it was hard going as the wind picked up a lot more than forecasted. We could not catch Mackerel for love nor money which was both frustrating and quite disturbing, also, disappointing not to have any Rays on board too. However, one bonus of the day was having Mike on board to get some good tips on bait and rig preparations and he helped out greatly with the crewing. Thanks Mike for all your help (especially getting drenched by the rain on the last pull of the hook !!!!).


Cheers mate.



Firstly a very big thank you to Martin, a very enjoyable day good company, coffee good fishing, I and learnt a lot, particularly impressed at the end of the day with Martin berthing Madness without using the helm. Oh yes and there was some fishing earlier, I had two big bight offs, not sure if they were makos or porbeagles heavily disguised as tope, however started well with mackerel in the harbour and managed some plaice and and an lsd and then it fell away, so a total of 3. Great fun  I want to do it again next week 😀 


Apologies I am away struggling to catch trout on Wimbleball.

I hope the crew will put a report in, but in short Jerry had 10 species, Stuie had 8 species and the biggest fish (Tope 30lbs) and Dave Wilson had 10 species also, if all other boats could post there catch reports results will follow.

Nice day with a slightly inaccurate weather forecast.


Species Comp 2022


First Alan Green  20 Species  Fisheagle


Second Mike Fox   13 Species. Marlin


Third Chris Witheford 11 Species. Kingfisher


Well done everyone who took part when we finally managed to run the Competition 


The flatfish Competition will be re scheduled this month if the weather plays ball. The Ray Competition we hope will be 6-7th August.

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