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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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I posted an account of this maiden voyage, launched from baiter as a reply to an earlkeir topic, but i guess I should have made it a new topic otherwise noone will see it. Anyway if you want to find out how it went - or didn't, read the reply to the launchinmg at Baiter topic. rolleyes.gif


Hi Geoff


Now you have experienced baiter slip you will know why I avoid it. Don't get me wrong it is a useable slip and I can and do on occassions launch maverick there but it is hard work.


Regarding other slips take a look here and here




Martin I don't envy you launching at Baiter one bit. It was hard work winching Maverick back up at Cobbs......


I guess that's why you have arms like my thighs..... laugh.gif


I am midway through a piece of work to go on the website for slip launching info.


Work is taking up all of my spare time at the moment so it is far from finished, but I have attached my efforts thus far below:




Hi Adam


Good report but one point, I think you have Kimmerage image for Weymouth


I am looking to try Christchurch very soon, perhaps we could meet up for the first trip sometime.


I am off to the states for 10 days, work related sad.gif , so unable to do anything before then.





...as I said, its not finished yet - the kimmeridge photos is in the wrong place.


Yep, Im in a similar situation re. work - let me know when you get back, well have a trip.




Very nice document, Adam.


Karen an I had a look at the Castletown slip on Portland Bill today. Absolutely packed with Divers and Dive Boats. The carpark was over flowing, and I couldn't see anywhere to leave the trailers. Not impressed.


Just round the corner, by the "Castle" I noticed a guy about to launch a boat on the small slip which had locked posts at the entrance. So, I had a little chat. The slip is owned by the Portland Sea Angling Club. It costs


Yes, I think it's definitely worth a try during the Summer when Weymouth gets busy. But I didn't check what the lauching hours are. Not sure if the reception is open at 7am. I'll check if we decide to use it.


By the way, the guy launching his boat by they castle said that they are catching bass at the races. wink.gif



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