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My current VHF radio has seen better days. so I am now in the market for a new VHF radio ( obviously ruling any advice from Alun out smile.gif ).


Given that I also want to get a fixed GPS unit ( possibly a chart plotter ) as well, then funds for the radio are limited ohmy.gif


Is the Silva S10 DSC at




I started off with handhelds...and soon realised that fixed are the way forward. They dont bounce around in your hands, the batteries dont run out, and the screens are bigger.


My personal (baised) view for you:


VHF - I dont have a dsc, just a std VHF (but can be upgraded later) Mine is a ICOM M140 - which I think Martin has also. It is a cracking little set. Fully waterproof, small, easy to read, loud, and just really, really solid. Paid about 150 for mine, if you look around a little. The Silva unit you mention is a good set also, this is just my personal view.


GPS/Plotter: I have the Garmin 128 fixed GPS. This is my favorite piece of kit. So easy to use, screen is big and easy to read when bouncing around. The features are a-plenty. This unit has a 'basic' plot function on it already. This is what we use to navagate Christchurch harbour in the dark. It basically tracks/plots your routes. You can then go back to them and follow the lines. As I said it is a very basic plot, but it does for what I need to use it for. I am considering a plotter for the new boat, as they are better by a long shot (but bloody expensive!) I have narrowed it down either to one of the cheaper Garmin units, or maybe the bottom end of the Navman range.


Hope this helps, as I said it is my own biased view, based on 18 months of using them, and the superb service I have had from Garmin.


happy hunting!




Thanks for the help. I am currently working out the Import Duty costs from the USA and given that certain GPS Plotter models work out half the price, I am convinced that getting one delivered in the states and brought back is the way to go.


Watch this space !!


Definitely a good time to buy. I have also been looking at the ICOM VHF radio's in the states and they have a slightly different model number, but whereas the ICOM M401Euro has a DSC capability at a cost of around


Hi Paul,

I have just Bought a Lowrance Global Map 5000c plotter


It had its first proper trip yesterday and I am really pleased with it. biggrin.gif

The screen was very clear from full sunshine to darkness and the navigation feature made coming back 11 miles in the dark a doddle.


Its a water resistant set and uses the new Navionics Gold chart which is better than my old navionics chart by miles.

Although it can overzoom right in if you turn off the mapping, I found that there was no need to, even when searching for a wreck I had not been to since decca died years ago.


I had questioned why I had not settled for the 4000 black and white with a bigger screen and higher pixel count, but after 1 trip the choice to go for color seems a good one.

So much so that I have ordered a color fish finder when they are available next month.


I do not know what this set would cost in USA but I paid




There was me thinking it was all quite simple !!


I have seen the XM DSC radio. I am still wondering if you are allowed to import the american marine radios, since they have all international channels but also 10 american specific ones - interesting question, but if I knew you could import for sure I would buy the ICOM 402 today.


The ICOM 401 Euro it will have to be for now I think unless I find out you can import the 402.


The plotter, I am tempted to go for the Garmin GPS Map 188 with an integral depth sounder. $583 having shipped around - colour is much more, but I just want something easy to read to get in/out at night.


decisions, decisions !!






Sounds like an equipement weekend might be a good idea at some point.


It's only when you can see the gear side by side and working in your normal envionment that you can really decide what's best for you and where you would compromise (in order to get that Calcutta reel!).


Charlie has, in my view, gone for a balanced 'upper middle' value solution which will give him great performance (and lots of pretty colours!). He has also got top prices that will be hard to match.


I believe that the Eagle 320 (same but cheaper than the Lowrance badge) combined sounder plotter fitted with a Navionics gold chart is the next natural step down in price, and as said before the Lowrance X51 sounder and a Garmin 128 GPS both deliver fantastic performance for their price marks.


cetrek do some very good plotters i use a 345 the smaller 343 is also not to bad they are more simple to use and do not have the angler catching gimmicks that some of the others have


a friend of mine had one of them navman5500 on his arvor he has now binned it in favour of a raytheon 620 plotter he likened the difference as trying to watch footy on a 30" widescreen as apposed to a 14 " portable the bigger screen and quality cartography put them in diferent leagues. BIGGER IS BETTER


Can not argue with Peter on that one

the bigger the better as long as the wallet is also big and the boat has space.


The slightly bigger Lowrance, Garmin that I looked at at London show also had about double the pixels and better definition but at about double the price.


I went to the show intending to buy a garmin 188c, but after comparing the screen sizes, especially when split to offer plotter and sounder decided it was to small.


For less money I picked up the GM 5000c and ordered the latest 105cDF sounder when they start arriving next month.

That has given me a 6" Plotter and a 5" sounder.

The 10.4" combined unit with the higher resolution and admittedly other gadgets would have been about 2.5K.


On the Chart front

The new Navionics Gold, has been developed to copy the admiralty style paper charts, it uses the same symbols land and sea colors.

The old classic charts do not.

They also show tidal height information and Current information by moving the boat or cursor to various parts of the chart. This can be as it is now and also as it will be at a set date and time.


I have only used it once but did use these two to keep an eye on the tidal flow by the wreck and to see if I could take the short cut between the main and North Channels on my way in.


Of course that information would also come from looking at a tide time book and a chart, but I now have them on the plotter so I decided to let it tell me.

As was obvious last meeting I do not allways remember to take into account summer and winter times in my tide book. wink.gif


I am not pushing anyone to copy what I bought, just passing on some detail from my research to help you compare what is out there.

But if you want to have a look I can take the gear to the boat


Happy shopping

Charlie biggrin.gif


I have the lowrance M3000 which has been superceded by the M4000 mono chart plotter. Although I am more than happy with the screen size and its a great improvement moving up from a straight fixed gps to a plotter. I do however regret not buying a colour set. You get better clarity and definition with the colour sets.


On the subject of charts give consideration to the area you will be fishing. The smaller charts of all breads cover very limited areas. It is far cheaper to purchase a larger chart to cover all areas you dream about fishing than buying several smaller charts. The temptation is there to purchase smaller charts at around


Due to lack of funds sad.gif I have plumped for the mono plotter with integral fishfinder The Garmin 188 with fishfinder and transponder for $608.00 - The colour model is around $1100


I will need to buy the South Coast map for greater detail which stretches from north of the Thames to Cornwall ( $199.00 )


Therefore with Import Duty and VAT the total cost for the plotter will be around $790 ( ie. approx


Bought the radio from mesltd.co.uk and I see what you mean re: competitive prices !!


Another site to add to the collection of "good service" sites. Radio was ordered on the net on Tuesday and arrived today Thursday.



Perhaps we should have a section for recommended sites ( and "avoid" sites ) ?


Looking at the manual and it would appear that the M-401Euro ( UK and Italy version ) has the american channels as well...... Therefore, perhaps the M402 is fine for use over here as well ? - As it is only


Had a reply.


Take a look at these two sites.





Looking through the important channels for UK use (6-17,37,67,70,72,73,77 and 80) there are only two that do not operate on the same frequency.


Channel 15 on the US version does not have transmit Freq (no big deal because it's only used for onboard comms in the UK).


Channel 80 in the US is a different freq than the UK. Channel 80 is a dual freq channel in the UK that is used for Marina's (e.g. calling a marina to book a berth). So, again this is not a problem for the use I have.


DSC operates world wide, therefore, this shouldn't be a problem.


So, as I see it, the US VHF radios should work here, for the channels we use for fishing and the coastguard.


I've asked the guys in the Lounge forum to try to confirm if I've interpreted this correctly. So, wait a couple of days to see if they reply before you order one from the States.


Bob F.



long discussion with ICOM Europe on the www.ybw.com forums about 3-4months ago about exactly this.

the channel things as above and also there is another hardware difference around the DSC as well - doesen't effect basic functionality though.

Suggest a specific search on under the US reference number over all the forums for last 6 months.


This is what the ICOM rep on the ybw had to say:


This is a USA only set

It is not approved anywhere in Europe.


It can not be licensed in the UK


Hope that helps





Jon Brooks Icom UK Ltd. 01227 741741


"Not approved" doesn't necessarily mean it will not work...?


You might have a problem with repairs is the set goes faulty, though...



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