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The first digits in the series is the amount of revolutions the spool will turn and the last is how many times the handle has to be turned to get those revolutions so:


3.6 revolutions of your spool is achieved with 1 turn of your handle

4.1 revolutions of your spool is achieved with 1 turn of the handle

5.0 revolutions of your spool is achieved with 1 turn of the handle


etc etc


The fastest speed is the more revolutions of the spool per turn of the handle so from the above examples the last one 5.1:1 is the fastest




Good question Kam.


Generally reels with fast gear ratios tend to be used for lighter uses. Beach casting, or light boat work. Its a bit like a bike really. The high gears retreve line quickly but when pushed to retreave a heavy weight and quickly they cane easily give up - unless you have a very, very good quality reel. The lower/smaller geared reels are mainly used for boat fishing where heavyish leads are the norm. They retreave slightly slower but the low gearing means heavy weights and loads are not an issue.


What type of wrecking Kam?


I assume that if you want a fast retreave wrecking reel then you are talking about using it for working gills or shads over a wreck on the drift? If so then the Abu 7000 series take some beating for both speed and strength.


If you want a beast of a reel for hauling big leads and fish in big tides then you wont want speed but low strong gears - a 2 speed reel is nice to have, but ask your self how often you will use this reel, how often youll need the 2 speeds and balance this against the high cost of one. I would recommend the Shimano TLD20 for this usage - reasonably priced and built like an outhouse, Penn do a similar jobbie.


Rough guess - about the same - 2 speeds (decent) are a fortune, buying two reels also gives you more flexibility and you can have different braids on each on - a big 2 speed will be too big for drifting and light lining on a wreck.


I always though the reason for compromise gearings was that you never knew when you were going to have to retrive the lead alone or argue with a serious fish!


given that you really shouldn't be winching any fish on the reel anyway a single speed in the 3.6 to 4.1 range, with strength appropriate to the activity, is what most use - isn't it?

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