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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Hi All


Looks like the weather will be fishable for those that want to fish the final round of our species competitions.


Please email, post here or call Pete or myself to confirm who is fishing.



I may not be out on Sunday so do not leave it to a VHF call.


Tight lines

be safe




?? The Metoffice is giving the same forecast for tomorrow as today? And the wind is in the North.....4-5?? Oh well, Safety officer's call I guess.


BW will still be going out for a few hours, give me a call if you are out. Gordon went today and said it was like a mirror all day.




Dean and I will be out playing tomorrow from about 8am till 3pmish


Will have to suck and see with the weather as there are differing views on the weather sites as usual. Accuweather and Beeb are giving 5/6 northerly whilst some of the other sites are giving 3/4 northerly


We'll see in the morning, will shout you Adam




Pete called me while we were out fishing yesterday


The forecast was all over the place so a safety first call was the only answer.


Fishing yesterday was very slow, but the weather was nice.



If you are out today have a safe one and tight lines




Well here we go again


lets have another try at finishing the series of comps and maybe get out to look how the marks are fishing ready for the 27th


The forecast that I have been hoping for for the openm seems to be forecast for this Sunday so lets hope its right and we can all get out.


please remember to call Peter or I


Hope to see you all afloat.



As another note, when we were out on Saturday one of the Charter skippers from lymington was having a moan about "those idiots on the VHF are from that Poole small Boat Club" mad.gif

He was openly accusing us of fishing close together and always using 25 watts of power and drowning out other VHF users.


I pointed out to him fairly bluntly that although I was chatting to Frank, it is a chat channel and the two botts were at least 7 miles apart. tongue.gif He went quiet. rolleyes.gif


It may be a good time to remind ourselves that we can be a bit more private by turning the power setting down when we are close together.


I am sure the VHF and mobiles will be buzzing on the 27th, lets not be a pain to other boats or give away to much to the charter boys


Charlie biggrin.gif






On the point of watt (excuse the pun) power to use. I frequently hear charter boats that fish the IOW grounds and beyond who have stated on the radio they can see each other, They then carry on chatting, these guys must be on full power for me to pick them up 14/15 miles away so who are the idiots.


I always (well almost) try to use low power on first calling then switch to full/high power if no response is heard. I think some of the so-called professionals are not so courteous in their use of radio as they would like others to be. Most of us so called idiots are more professional than the professionals in the use of radio.


Gripes aside we should all try and use low power whenever possible. And obviously don


You are spot on Martin


He was probably talking to other charter boats within 1 watt range [Needles area] and I heard him on the Banks south of Old Harry. I wonder watt setting his radio was on????



Probably why I heard nothing after I responded

I expect they both turned their power down to carry on the moaning.


Charlie biggrin.gif


there are also a few sailing boats that are out Sunday's and using 06 all the time - something Bear was one. As they were commenting on how close they were getting to things (and each other) you have to assume that they could have got away with 1W - especially with their aerials!


Just a comment...

And without wishing to be a killjoy or a smartypants...



...Further up in the thread it was mentioned that chanel 6 was a chat channel.


Unfortunately, and despite listening to the constant drivel last Thursday, whilst fishing at the Needles with all the boats in the cod comp around, there is actually no such thing as a "Chat Channel".


Despite the above and what you may be told or listen to elsewhere a VHF is for distress and brief information exchange only and is designed for use as a "working" / saftey device not as a CB.


If people wish to use the airwaves for chat then they should use CB or mobile phone not VHF.



It is perfectly fine and proper to use the VHF to start / end a comp, let people know where you are or that you are moving, but it isn't supposed to be used for chatting about tomorrow's Sunday Roast, what your getting your wife for Christmas etc.


That said, all the above about low power is exactly right and if you do need to ask / talk more in depth then always use low power.


As I said, I don't wish to be a killjoy, but during a VHF course you should be taught what you can and can't use it for.


...Mind you, I will still have a mini conversation with a nearby boat, just switch to mobile if it gets a little more in depth.






He is absolutely right y'know smile.gif


The trouble is we have so many laws that no begger takes a blind bit of notice of that more and more we all ignore more important rules 'because others do it and get away with it'.


I have never heard the coastguard telling any of the chatters to clear the channel, in fact I have never heard anyone chastise the channel hogging booring meanderings of so called 'professional' skippers.


Mad Mike


Mike try chatting on 16 you will soon get a rocket from CG. They do not however monitor other channels. Channel 6 is in fact a safety/ship to ship channel. As Tom says the purpose of VHF is not for general chit chat, but passing information.


This club used to advocate all boats had CB to use for general chit chat in fact Maverick still has CB onboard but unfortunately not many others have it available. This is a shame as CB is not listended to by charter boats or other angling type boats so although not secure are less likely to give your marks away when chatting.


Anyone fancy fitting cb to their boat as it's rather lonely talking to myself weep.gif






I seem to recall you did tell them once ( before I stopped you whilst in full flow smile.gif ). tongue.gif


Something along the lines of "couple of old women" etc. etc. laugh.gif


Thanks Tom


Perhaps I was being a little light hearted by refering to it as a chat channel.


What I should have said was it is one of the few channels you can use to communicate without blocking safety trafic


I think we all got the jist though, channel 6 is the VHF channel the club Members tend to communicate on. if we use the correct power I am sure the authorities will not chase us.


and as to watt a certain lymington skipper thinks, who gives a ####.


Charlie biggrin.gif


Guys, the general rule on ANY radio is a simple A B C..........Acuracy, Brevity......and Clarity, stick to these and you wont go far wrong, or get into too much trub with H M C G.




You're in luck, Martin (or otherwise). Stingray has a cb but I haven't used it as I thought nobody else had one. It came with the boat from Burnham; I think they use them for comms.


I'll give you a shout next time. It would be a useful addition for anybody else as it would give a lot more freedom and a lot more channels available.


Terry B.

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