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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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The link to this forum ( ie. http://www.pbsbac.co.uk/forum will be changing to http://www.pbsbac.co.uk/forums )


New Forum Link


Use this link and you will find a whole new world !



Note : There are changes being made over the next couple of weeks, so the forum may be unavailable for short durations ( I hope to keep this down to periods of less than hour at the most. )


It will be worth waiting for smile.gif


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Good question. They are both actually "pointing" to the same forum, so no worries. ( Although I might start all over again for other reasons sad.gif ).






Great Work!


If you start again, will we still have access to the old forum?

There is a plethora of useful info here which would be sadly and greatly missed.




I'm having problems auto logging on. I'd ticked the remember me box on the login page, but the next time I start again, I'm not logged in. sad.gif

Yes, me too. mad.gif


Mind you a small effort to be able to use this exquisite and exciting site. blink.gif One can only dream of being good enough to be invited to stay no matter the difficulties. unsure.gif

Whinecringegrovelgrovelsniff. weep.gif


Mad Mike



I am still learning what is possible with the new site. It allows much more interactivity and in particular I think the Journal facility will be really useful for recording catches / trips etc.


Any changes, I am certainly not going to lose any information which is in the forum ( it is all backed up and on my PC ). I did try using phpBB with the data from our forum but it is not as flexible as Invision.





It is not too hard to pick up really. The site will be same as before ( and old content is still available here :-

Old Website Content


Over the next few weeks we will be migrating the content from the old site into this new site.


The new site allows users to submit stories ( ie. Articles for publication ) using the "Submit Story" link.


There is now a "E-Mail Catch Report" button - so no excuse for not submitting those catch reports ( cue some quip from Jack here smile.gif ).


There is a "Write Catch Report" link to tell all on the forum about that big catch.


and the one I think will be really useful is the "Journal" option where you can post messages about what you have been fishing for / caught etc. or anything in fact. It is like a diary that all can read.





I think that possibly people are having trouble as they were / are still using the old URL. I have therefore stopped this from being used ( it redirects to the new page ).


I could have moved the whole lot in one go, but better to play safe as I ddint want to destroy the site unsure.gif


I will look at the catch reporting script Charlie as it is set up currently to send to me.


I also need to write something to allow the Members Fish catch pages to be updated more readily ( but only 24 hours in a day etc. )



If anyone has any comments then keep em coming.


cheers Paul



Had a good route round the site last evening,and have decided its O.K. for Dinasaurs.!!..I dont seem to have to do anything extra to access all Info. so I will give it my seal of aproval..{as if anyone cared biggrin.gif ]..

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