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Hi again,I dont think I can blame the site for the above "mystery guest" entry,I think I forgot to add my signature to the post [sheer excitement,I expect !] biggrin.gif jack

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I also need to write something to allow the Members Fish catch pages to be updated more readily ( but only 24 hours in a day etc


and given that, as we all know, 22 of these are for fishing and planning fishing trips, you are doing a brilliant job Paul.


Keep it up!




My work PC never auto logged on previously. Strangely it now does !


Try this.


Select the option at the bottom of this board to "Delete Cookies set by this board" and then ensure logged out on both the forum and website.

Now login using the web site logon - remembering to select "remember me".


ALos, check that your Tools/Internet Options / Settings button - is then set to Check for newer versions automatically.


If that doesnt work then try refresh whilst in the page and see if anything changes.



I've tried all of that Paul and still no joy. I've never had a problem here or at work before so I'm sure it's teething problems with the new site set up. I'm not complaining; I think you're doing a great job, I just thought you'd be interested to know what's going on.


Always pleased to hear what problems users are having.


I have tried adding a prefix to the cookies. This caused my forum to logoff.

I have now logged on again and I get remembered ( but never had a problem in the first place though ).


One improvement I have noticed is the page no longer tries to jump back to the top when you are halfway typing an atrticle.


are you going directly to this new page now ?




I can reproduce what I think is happening. If you go to this new site using the old URL ( and let the page re-direct you ) then you lose your user details.


Make this new page your home page in IE ( or even better the www.pbsbac.co.uk homepage - as then you will see all the updates on the home page ).





Tried all of the above and still no auto log. I have the new URL in my favourites list, have deleted the cookies, and have checked the options list.....


Anymore ideas?




Under Tools / Internet Options / Privacy - ensure the slider is at Medium High or Lower ( ie. If High or "Block all Cookies" ) .



Interesting one this.


If I use my favourites link to the site, I have to log in each time.


If I respond to an email and use the link within the text to the subject on the site, I am already logged in blink.gif .




Funny that....................... huh.gif


just joined the site again.

checked to see if I was logged in...............



few minutes later when I was checking a thread, noticed that my handle had appeared and logged in.............. blink.gif



Guest Guest_duncan_Fisherman

auto login not working..............derect refernced the new addy etc etc




The error you have is very interesting. This error I fixed - so you are in effect viewing an old version of the page.


Do you use a proxy server ? ( Check Tools / Internet Options / Tools / Lan Settings )


Getting more puzzling to me. I auto login at home every time no problem. Auto login at work most times as well now ( previously never worked ).


The login is held in a cookie and I have even made the board send a different tag in the cookie ( in case that was the problem ).


If you do use a proxy server you could try forcing the page to refresh ( I bet you have tried this though ) or try unchecking the "use proxy server" box temporarily.


I am off to see if others have reported this problem elsewhere. Otherwise, I might be tempted to try a different method of integrating the forum. ( Another couplde of days work unfortunately but it will have other spin off benefits ).




Hi Guys,


I note the problem with auto log in. This could be due to you having the 'old' site cookie still stored on your PC's, I would suggest logging offf the site, then clearing your browser cache and cookies and close your browser.


Re-start your browser and log in - this usually clears it.


Hope that helps,




Tried this - nope! Still nothing! mad.gifsad.gif


If it helps - the forum is also not registering the posts I have read - i.e when I hot 'view new posts' a huge list comes up, even though I have read them....


try this then.


Clear your cache



log on

close not logging out

open again

I did this!


I was not logged on, auto

but then opened 'club talk'

and there I was logged on!!!!!!

is it just a display or screen that is telling lies? blink.gifhuh.gifblink.gif ?


OK - I think I have solved this...... I can reproduce the problem and it is strange .....


Set your home page to be www.pbsbac.co.uk and all is well if you navigate to the forums and back etc.


Set your home page to be www.pbsbac.co.uk/forums/index.php and you stay logged on no problem.


similarily using http://www.pbsbac.co.uk/modules.php?name=Forums and you stay logged on OK.


Set your home page to be www.pbsbac.co.uk/forums and you get logged off ( ie. auto login fails )



It hasnt helped because I made the redirect from the old forum page go to the www.pbsbac.co.uk/forums link ( as opposed to the one with index.php specified ).



Therefore as advised set your default page to Set this as your IE homepage


If you really must have the forum as your default homepage then use this URL

Forums Link




using pbsbac.co.uk instead of www.pbsbac.co.uk also causes the cookies to fail.

( Reason is there are in effect two different cookies and if you use pbsbac.co.uk to access the main site the links will be to www.pbsbac.co.uk, so your username does not get passed correctly to the forum ).



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