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Well, the plan was to fish the ebb on X-ray with the wind and ebb running the same way. The forecast was 'Fresh', but with NE being offshore, I wasn't too bothered, thinking there'd be little fetch out there .




Slid out at 9.30 , on the first of the ebb ........ but again , little water on the Bar, and , worryingly, breaking waves.......... but no probs getting out.


When you are motoring at 15 - 20 mph. that following wind ' vanishes' and you think all is pleasant........... until you stop or change direction !!


Put the anchor out with lots of spare warp to cope with the bumps...... and felt that cutting wind on the face.......... so up with the dodger [ my temporary cuddy ].. that's better............ but we are bouncing about a bit !


Sea temp .... 5 C ; air temp .. slowly rising from -0.5 ; squid still hard, even thouigh it's been out of the freezer since yesterday afternoon.


Behind the dodger, with lots of layers on, not aware of the wind freshening past moderate to strong........... until the waves and swell are making the doggy hauling too uncomfortable to keep a foothold !!

At this point I notice another, even smaller boat [ an open aluminium 14 footer ] , slowly pitching it's way back in from further out.


With no sign of any whiting, time to put comfort and safety first......... so up and inshore under a bit of lee from Hengist. Head........... but still pretty bumpy, with a bit more East in the wind.


Slow ol' afternoon; pout of varying size; then one good bite that 'went'.... and into something better. Unusual fight; could this be a smallish cod ?? No! , a good size ray....... Thanks to Adam's pointers, I spot this to be a Small Eyed.


Weighed back ashore [ far too bumpy out there ] ... 10 lbs. 13 oz. some consolation for a tough day.


Left it as late as poss to run the gauntlet and get back up the Run [ half flood and just 0.6 m. over the bar near that middle buoy !!].


Met up with the guys in the ally boat; coming in just in front of me, they missed the second buoy and ended up on the Bar.


What fun this winter fishing is. I'm looking forward to when I can pick and choose my day, rather than being tied to weekends. Weds this coming week looks as though it will be much more comfortable [ for the leisured classes !!]


So it was squid for supper tonight ........ and skate / ray tomorrow and mon.


Bon appetit !!,




Nice on Al, you did well to get out, and a good catch report to boot. I was tempted but the icy wind and the way my 'wind tree' was bending in the garden put paid to that - decided BW could do with a good polish instead, so shes gleaming again now.


As you say, the long range looks good for next weekend however I fear that the dulldrums of Feb and Early march are nearly here!


i poked my nose out to the Run this morning hoping that i would be a bit better.

As the waves were putting on a dramatic show crashing over the bar sending all sorts of white foam everywhere, i decided to go back up river for a spin.

I just put on a new prop so wanted to trial it, very nice out of the wind in the calm of the harbour,not for fishing mind.


Paul J




Are there any flounders in the harbour, or is the water too sweet?


The ones in Poole go quite a way up the Wareham river.... but I suppose it is still saltier than Christchurch.


What about down in the bottom corner, near The Hut and the landing stage for the ferries.......... plenty of crabs there so should be some flatties.





Are there any flounders in the harbour, or is the water too sweet


I believe flounders can live for quite a time in fresh water, I am talking weeks and months. I remember fishing the Arun in Sussex many miles from the sea (but still in the tidal area) and catching small flounders on maggots mixed in with bags of raoch and bream.

It may be something to do with maturity? Young fish being happier in fresh water estuarine water?


Mikey, weve had flounders, only small ones, on worm in Beaulieau River as far upstream as Applemore........so they can survive very well in fresh water!!!




Oh for my old sciving schooldays with rods hidden in hollow trees!!!!!


Many years ago my dad caught a big perch near Throop Mill and it coughed up 3 baby flounders about 25mm long which were still alive. Just prooves the small ones can live in fresh water OK.


Gordon H

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