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I've got nowhere near enough anchor chain aboard Star Turn, so, following the success of the rope question, where do people get their chain from?


I'm guessing this is something that people get locally, due to weight/postage issues?




Try and get galvanised chain Charlie.

Steel chain makes a hell of a mess when it starts rusting.

It isn't overally expensive and worth the little bit extra.


Most chandleries will sell it, as do builders merchants etc.

Usually about




Pop into Quay West Marine and see Pete Trew - they are located at the end of the gravel lane that runs alongside Mitchells Boat yard on the ground floor of the white building to the right.


I recently bought 20' (7 mtrs) of 8mm galv chain for about 25-30 squid I think - no postage and the service is spot on - dont forget to mention youre a member of the club to get your discount.



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