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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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So, done my VHF course, and reckon I could put out a Mayday or Pan-Pan relatively compentently (although I obviously hope not to have to), but how do I go about letting you lot I'm out there, and picking up on who else might be out there...???


First off I go to Channel 6, stick it on dual watch...then ... what to say ? Guess I'd rather make a numpty of myself here than "on air"....


Cheers guys...


Quote: Guess I'd rather make a numpty of myself here than "on air"....



You and me both Mark!


I would normally try and find out if anyone else is out by posting on here the night before. Then you can call them up individually.


Incidentally: 06 is the PBSBAC preferred channel, but out from Weymouth we tend to use 08.




Generally we'd say something like...


"This is Espadon, Espadon, Espadon calling any Poole Bay Small Boats."




"Poole Bay Small Boats, Poole Bay Small Boats, Poole Bay Small Boats this is Espadon, Espadon, Espadon."


Then if any of us are out there we'll ususally respond with...


"Espadon, Espadon, Espadon this is...@#%. hisssss...static...hisssss... static...@


Ah, good question Ducan.


I think Martin was looking into it, but had some problems if I remember correctly.


How are we doing on that one Martin? I think you were going to call someone.



First off I go to Channel 6, stick it on dual watch...then ... what to say ? Guess I'd rather make a numpty of myself here than "on air"....


Cheers guys...



Switch Dual Watch OFF before you try to transmit.





I have just phoned ofcom for the details of how to get a group mmsi number and the very nice chap there told me we need to put together a list of:


Boat Names and owners names + existing vessel mmsi numbers


They will then issue one free of charge.


This can all be done via email and the list of members can be updated as and when we want via email all foc


Bob if you put the required info together and email it to joseph.darrell@ofcom.org.uk with a little covering letter that will be it sorted.






Switch Dual Watch OFF before you try to transmit


Why is this? i have never had the coastguard butt in and say i was transmitting on 16 instead of the selected 6 while on dual watch- is this the issue?


Markee, get some of our mmsi numbers, it helped us communicate this weekend as everyman and his dog were on the vhf being bank holiday


Paul J


Dual Watch is juts that - it WATCHES another channel whilst you sit on your main one - so the only time you would need to turn it off is if you use 16 as your main channel and watch ch6.


I use ch6 as my main one and dual watch 16 - that way when I press the PTT button I transmit on 6.






I have to switch mine out of dual watch as it tends to "decide" to transmit on 16 when I call and then stay on 16 much to the coastguard's annoyance last time this occurred !


Group MMSI will be well wicked.



many many VHF units will not transmit at all when in dual watch mode


certainly both my Simrad and Icom units operated this way




good news on the Group MMSI business - definitely the way to go. Look forward to the number in due course.



Now if I issue a group postion request will it send back the coordintaes of exactly where everyone is anchored? rolleyes.gif


What would the advantage of show all anchoring position?


The only reason I can think of is 'secret marks' but then they shouldn't be secret..... not to a member of the family.... rolleyes.gif


Spot on Kam................ rolleyes.gif


I have to admit that I found the position request so much easier than coded radio communication or 'call on the mobile' last year.


Personally I am happy to share my position with any club member but I do understand why some like to have their 'secret marks' - where would life be without those little secrets eh?


Reading this thread reminded me I found an interesting observation the other day.


Steaming from the ledge to X-Ray I noticed my GPS/Fishfinder ( combined unit ) was stating that the sonar unit was disconnected. Assuming a bad connection I wobbled the fishfinder and the connector, then recycled the GPS/FF ( ie. turn off and back on ) and the sonar was re-established.


A couple of mins later, same thing happens again. Recycle the GPS/FF and sonar back again.


This happened a couple more times before I realised that it was co-inciding with when I transmit on the radio..... I transmit and sonar is "disconnected".


A quick think - "what is common to the radio and the GPS/FF" - it is connected to send GPS position which is not working at the moment. A quick crawl under the console and the problem is spotted. The outer earth sheath connection on the lead between my radio and the GPS/FF had become disconnected from the GPS/FF lead.

Transmitting on the radio was obviously causing stray currents which was leading the GPS/FF to lose the sonar signal.


Unplugged the lead from the radio and all was well again. Now I need to repair the connection and get my position sent again.


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