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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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tongue.gif Hi Folks, In conjunction with Weymouth Angling Society, Mike de Beer of YYS International, and local skippers Pat Carlin, Chris Caines and Paul Whittal, I am organizing a boat league for under 16,s. These will be free trips, mid week and once a month. The idea is getting juniors interested in boat competition fishing and then hopefully progressing through the ranks to international level. There are not many young anglers available at this time so, along with current squad anglers, sponsors, Neil Bryant the current England manager and various others we want to get juniors involved. There is no lower age limit, but we need to be sensible. I would think around 9-10. I am emailing all local clubs, ie Poole, Swanage, Dorchester, Christchurch, Bridport, West Bay etc. All feedback from yourselves and interested juniors will be very welcome. As I have said the trips are all free and will be commencing around the end of March or early April. All trips will be weather permitting and 24hr notice will be available for cancellations. Please don,t hesitate to contact me as numbers need to be noted. More boats may be available if required. We intend holding a meeting at WAS around the end of February for any queries or information required. Kindest regards, BB cool.gif
tongue.gif I am organizing a boat league for under 16,s. These will be free trips, mid week and once a month.

The problem with under 16's midweek, is they're probably at school.




Billy's post says ' under 16'


I could put some feelers out at school; bound to be a few takers; but I'm not sure how they'd be able to get to Weymouth mid-week.



tongue.gif The upper age limit is to be discussed. It is 16 in our club but I dont see why it could not be 18. Charter skippers tend to be wary of weekend evening trips, probably because this is the busiest time for most. Plus they are offering their services for free midweek. I realise the difficulties with kids travelling to and fro on school nights, but once a month I am sure they would adapt. The finishing time could also be brought forward if necessary to 9pm. These are only ideas at the moment, nothing is set in stone regarding these proposals. All feedback is welcome. BB cool.gif



I'm sure you are not short of helpers, but I would be prepared to help out with transport once a month down to Weymouth if a few of the lads were struggling.




tongue.giftongue.gif Adam, Thats great. Your help will be greatly appreciated, transport and angling wise. This is the sort of feedback we are looking for mate. The more ideas and methods thrown into the melting pot the better. Pat phoned me last night and there is another carrot being dangled. The top four anglers will be invited to fish in either the Weymouth 2 day species comp or against an international team. This is also free. We will try and make this in half term week.

Regards, BB cool.gif


don't mind coming down and giving a hand on the angling side giving them a hand with knots and tackle would be fun if the age was moved to 18 i think quite a few of my friends would be interested




Billy, I can help out during school holls, either transport wise, or supervision wise. Have you considerred whether CRB checks are needed if supervising young persons?? This may be a spanner in the works, but I'd hate you to be forging ahead with plans, for it to be sunk by something red tape ish like this.




You have a point gay badger....


I have no objection to being vetted though.


I sort of had in mind doing a collection run, dropping the kids off and helping supervise and teach and then dropping them off on the way back, also willing to lend gear etc.


This aside I think it is a superb idea - fishing is a big part of my life and always has been - my father gave up a lot of time when I was small (yr 5 started) and those memories are firmly embedded and will always be. Many, many kids (esp nowadays) dont get these oppertunities for many reasons so anything we can do to put something back would be good.


Have you considered getting BFM and the local papers to run a piece on this, I'm sure they would be more than happy to. Let me know if you want me to use my contacts....




Adam, having just gone through the checks, it takes approx. six weeks, and the level we will require is a full check. This costs in the region of twenty quid or so, but I will check in the office at work on wednesday. Each check lasts for a period of five years, but again, I will check. Mine has just come back, Dec 06, so I am covereed, and have a tangiable copy of the certificate, if anyone needs perusal!!


That being said, I know that our club has limited juniors, unlike yours Billy, which has the largest junior section in the country, so it may be prudent for them to whack in a few checks, for coverage for your own comps.


I think that if a parent accompanies their own child, thats different, but it is better to look into this before the event, than have to cancel a well organised comp due to bl@@dy red tape!!


Rich CRB with Bar


I asked two keen 15 yr olds at school today ...... they'd jump at the chance and seem to have no probs. with transport.


Of course, I'd be keen to help and have the appropriate clearance [ having been in teaching for 33 years !]


I don't think there'd be any problem finding suitable youngsters....... just say how many you could accomodate.



tongue.gif Bloody hell, What a great feedback. Some valid points there as well. I would presume that the skippers involved have the necessary validation as they frequently take juniors angling. A few of us have had the vetting done as part of shool trip chaperoning and Monday night comps. It will be mostly parents so I think we will be ok. I will however get clearance on this point. Pat and Chris Caines have a meeting this week so I will know a bit more later on. Regards. BB cool.gif

brilliant idea and full marks to the skippers wishing to take part, but feel that 16 to 18 years olds takes away the essence of what you are trying to achieve i feel, but thats just my opinion, as most if not all of that age could possibly be in that period of their lives where they are trying to forge careers for themselves and maybe have jobs.

tongue.gif Fully agree oysterboats, I was testing the field. I know that most of the juniors on this site are over 16. As some of the younger kids will be 10-12, the gap will be too big for it to be a level playing field. We cannot really split the ages into sections as too much would be involved. If the reaction is limited in the younger ages then we may think of raising the limit. Regards, BB cool.gif

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