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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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I'm a happy chappy (again!)


At long last, I've aquired my new boat (new to me). After a lovely sunny day Saturday, I spent most of Sunday in the rain helping to offload 'imagine' from its trailer and bed it down in the marina at PYC.


Its a cracking little Orkney - pretty much sorted, and ready to go as she was used for fishing by the previous owners. I've just got to spend some time making it familly friendly, which I shall do no doubt after the first familly trip out !!


I've not been getting at all excited, apart from not sleeping at night, for two weeks - but I put this down to the flu.... and have kept 'radio silence' as I didnt want to tempt fate if it all came to nothing.


Anyway, I still cant believe it, just have to remember where all my fishing tackle is now, and how to find a few decent marks...

Or better still....rely on the crew..... anyone wanna go fishing ??


Paul F


Edited by Sinbad

Well done Paul ........... I was waiting for a call!


Hope you are feeling better ...... and soon get the opportunity to test her out.


Looks a cracking boat,




Nice one Paul - a super boat.


I would be inetrested in a trip out in her - as I had considered a Orkney 20 before I bought OOTB.


Well done! biggrin.gif


doesn't get much more sensible that that for the Poole area Paul. I am sure you will get days of great fun out with the family and the fishing rods - from time to time.


my experiences suggest they don't mix - with the possible exception of a couple of small light rods for mackerel to go on the bbq when anchored up round to the west on an oily calm summers day................ cool.gif


Very nice looking boat Paul. My friend has an older Orkney 23 and I am sure you will be well pleased with her.


I have been tempted by the 590 still ....


Nice boat Paul


She looks very good on her berth in the Haven


I will have a closer look when you have time to show me around


and if you fancy an evening trip when the clocks change give me a call




Thanks for all your comments, I'll be on a bit of a learning curve...until the shake down cruise ....first find out what I've bought and what I didnt, as Sunday wasnt the time to pull all the chain out on the deck and have a good look etc...


As usual, I've got a 'shopping list' like anyone - but I'm detemined to at least use the thing, before trying to improve it.!!!


Roll on the better weather!!!


Paul F



Work and family involvements.......... I can't even get Paul out on the weekend!


.......he'll be lucky to 'look in' for a few hours to check his equipment!!



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