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An early start this morning was super hard work and Gordon and I left Mudeford feeling somewhat bleary eyed at 8am - following out Alun J.


Conditions were good and it was nice to be out in the sweet sea air instead of laid in bed with the rest of the population!


A few strong coffes and a belly full of bacon and eggs and all was well as we settled in to meet every dogfish in Poole Bay! sad.gif


A few moves to try and locate the fish didnt work as no Cod or Whiting but we did have a few surprises to brighten up the day. A conger each to Gordon and I gave us a few minutes of fun. Next a Dab on my whiting rod - 10oz I havent caught one of these for over 10 years! Finally we moved off to a small wreck where a nice 3lb lobster came up followed by a plump brown crab!


A nice supper to follow tonight biggrin.gif


Happy new year all!




It's probably a good thing that radios don't convey smells as well as sound as the sizzle of breafast cooking on Enticer was enough to make us feel like joining them..................


............but we didn't as we were too busy dealing with bites.........unfortunately , only from a plague of dogfish. The only consolation was there were a lot of big girls in this pack [lots over 2 lbs.] and tempting to take a couple if I hadn't had some nice bass in the fridge and cod in the freezer!!


The nod,nod........drag of doggies was punctuated by a few spells of more serious action.......hefty bites that screamed-off in unstoppable fashion. Alas not cod, nor another bass!!, but conger of good , middle size [15 - 25 lbs.]; good, arm-tugging sport......but not my cup-of-tea!![too serpentine and un-fishlike for me.....backwards swimming\spinning..weird!!!]


No whiting [ where are they this year???], just one 'Jumbo' pout for supper, but still a good day to be out; mild air with great vis.........peaceful and quiet; where was everybody else, were the thick heads that bad???


We stayed out a bit longer than Enticer......until the dogs finished the squid.... but no 'last drop bonus'!. Plenty of water all day, so no 'issues' with the Bar \ Run at Mudeford ..........and, as a PS to Coddy's question, fuel tank shows we used about 4 litres, so I don't think I want a bigger boat!




Nice one Guys


It was a day to sleep off excesses for my young crew, Wendy and I popped down to spruce the boat up a bit and I meant to check on the VHF but forgot.


Nice to know that you had the rods bent, even if it was by a fish that are not high on your wish list.


There seem to be whiting about but hardly in plage proportions, we had a few on Sunday and about a dozen on Monday. so you may need to sneak further West.


4 ltrs of Fuel ph34r.gif I might make a return trip to the chain ferry laugh.gif


Charlie biggrin.gif

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