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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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We met at the boat for 4.30 am, Myself, Rupe, Cam and Si, for the first try of the year to see if the bass had arrived in any numbers yet. Back of the ledge as the sky starts to lighten, out with the feathers and within an hour we've got 25-30 livelies in the tank. By 6 I'm setting the boat in place for the first proper fishing of the bassing season


I got it a bit wrong on the first drift, so set us 50 yards west for the second. Nothing on that one either Doubts start to creep in already but the third drift soon dispells those. Rupe and me both hit into fish at the same time in exactly the place I'd been striving to get the boat over in the strenghtening nor/easterly wink.gif . Its good to feel the kick of a good bass after so long and we both take our time enjoying every minute, grinning our heads off. Si does the honours with the net on mine, a cracking looking fish of 6lb 12oz biggrin.gif


Si nets Rupe's fish, another lovely conditioned fish of about 4 1/2lb What a result!! Next drift Rupes in again!! Within a few metres of the last two takes. He has to do a bit of a dance over the engine box as the fish takes him under the hull and out the other side (Hilarious when you realise that Ruperts about 6 3 or 4 and 20 stone plus laugh.giflaugh.gif ) He gets it to the boat and its gills flare as Si sweeps the net under it.

Another beauty of 6lb 8oz!!


By this time the Lymington fleet are stirring and we have 3 cats within half an hour motor straight through where we've been picking up bass mad.gif 4 or 5 drifts without a take, we move further west and try again. Rupe hooks a proper 'un, his rod bucks violently as he tries to retreive line and lift its head off the bottom, but the fish is too strong and 90 seconds after hooking it, it dumps Rupes hook in the bottom weep.gif I wouldn't of minded seeing that one!! Next drift Cams away with a 5lber, soon brought to the side of the boat despite using, what Rupe described as a homemade reel, a Cardinal 55 ph34r.gif


The flood tide is almost gone when Cam lifts in to an obviously better fish

It stays deep until only 20 yards from the boat and then rises quickly in the water. Its tail breaks the surface and I can see its a good one from my vantage point on top of the engine box.

A couple of anxious minutes of head shaking 10ft below the hull follow before Rupe deftly scoopes it into the net

Cams face is a picture as he gazes at one of his most sought after fish in his angling life biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif A double figure bass!!! 12lb 8oz to be exact!!


Blow me if he doesn't do it again on the very next drift, this time a cracker of 8lb odd. Si finally decides to join in but his float seems to tangle with Cams as he.s playing it in, Cam reels in the slack as Si's fish gives a good account of itself, theres another bass right behind Simons fish and as I net a plump 3lber it become obvious that the other fish is hooked as well! A 6lber joins the 3lber in the net. Not sure who caught which fish but its not really important is it?


We tried a couple of marks and Si managed to winkle a small fish, of 2 1/2lb, out on our last mark. We were all knackered by now, so at 12 o'clock we headed for home more than happy with our mornings work A great trip in great company with 9 fish between us in total (I think ) What more could you ask for??


Congratulations Cam, a fish you've been after since childhood, well done!!





Well done Al !! Cracking start to the season !!


I was just starting to think 'when to start bassing??' , when I was out yesterday.


Finding a decent number of mackeral should have given the answer.... but they've only just come to the Ledge in reasonable numbers.


I'll have to check out my tank now..........


.......you've got me all excited......and looking for some calm weather.




yet another plan comes effortlessly together.............(well that's how the story reads!)


couldn't resist playing with the pics.....would have preferred playing wth the fish though


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user posted image


Nice one chaps!!


Cam looks alot greyer than the last time I saw him!!! tongue.gif (10 yrs + ago)


It'll be 2009 before our boat is out there after them, but boy, I cant wait!


To get a double so early in the season - surely a good sign??


Nice one guys


well done on starting your favorite species season so well.


Went out with Humphrey today we tried later in the day and much further west, although we had tope, dogs . wrasse lots of mackeral and a nice 19lb Blonde the bass and bream did not play.


A boat anchored very close had a lovely Brill just under 8lb onboard


Nice to have the summer species here






Talk about green with envy not only are your reports the best I have read.

But you and Rupe are the men.

Please Please can I crew for you one day or buddie you one day wink.gif


Craig Abode11



Cracking good start fellas........... biggrin.gif


Good to see Team Aquafresh on form.


A beautiful double Cam amongst some cracking fish.


Do you carry torpedos for those Catty moments?


See you on the tide chaps.



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