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Exellent site


Now i know i am not the only owner that has problems with their E-tec unsure.gif


Loads of help and advice here though, It seems to be run by 2 or 3 E-tec dealers giving good honest advice rolleyes.gif



Posted (edited)

...forgot my coat






You may want to pop back to WSF and say soemthing to ChrisP.

Your comments about his wife weren't taken too well....


Anyway, just as an add on.

Why is it that an outboard engineer or a boat salesman aren't allowed to express an opinion, but it's fine for everyone else to do so....?

Edited by TomBettle
Posted (edited)

Anyone who can get that excited when they have their engine serviced should really get out more! rolleyes.gif



Edited by plaicemat

.........or having to have it repaired!!



I'll be interested to see reports when these E-tecs are 5 - 10 years old.


I dipped into the forum and saw that E-tecs say 3 year service....if used in fresh water .......but annual if used in the sea.


Good luck E-tec chaps....... some interesting reading there from the States!!






Shame on you! And you a retired school teacher!

I almost detected a neagtive comment then and your not even a Boat salesman or marine engineer.


You bad, bad man.


I heard you eat the fish you catch too!




No Tom!!........nothing negative; I've been very impressed when on those club boats pushed along by them !!


......nearly as quiet as a 4-stroke


.... and only a slight 'whiff' of oil at idle.



And they do GO some!!



I go with comments on both sides .... and wait [with interest ] to see how the 'service plan' pans out.


I am amazed at such a 'heated' Forum!



Posted (edited)



I just get dissappointed when "experienced" individuals choose to slag off the competition. I don't understand your motivation. So far Etecs have a good record and no worse than any other popular outboard. I didn't hear your opinions when we had quite a number of Mariner 4 strokes were suffering from some serious corrosion problems. You just seem to have an obsesion with Etecs, I have one, so I'm not going to agree with you, especialy when your comments are not founded on reports on major failures.


A friend of mine has a brand new Suzuki outboard which broke down in its first year, no different from modern cars and appliances, that does not make them rubbish unless it was continuous and everyone were having issues





PS And what about my opinion?

Edited by Manic Moore
  Manic Moore said:


I just get dissappointed when "experienced" individuals choose to slag off the competition. I don't understand your motivation. So far Etecs have a good record and no worse than any other popular outboard. I didn't hear your opinions when we had quite a number of Mariner 4 strokes were suffering from some serious corrosion problems. You just seem to have an obsesion with Etecs, I have one, so I'm not going to agree with you, especialy when your comments are not founded on reports on major failures.


A friend of mine has a brand new Suzuki outboard which broke down in its first year, no different from modern cars and appliances, that does not make them rubbish unless it was continuous and everyone were having issues





PS And what about my opinion?



People get dissapointed when there chosen product, whether that is an outboard or a new double divan is subject to criticism, particularly if they haven't experienced the faults themselves. I don't like it if my 695 is criticised, but I am big and brave enough to take the criticism and also experienced enough to know what is truly good and bad about the boat.


I am not aware if a particular discussion on here about Mariners so can't comment on that one, but (and this is pure prejudice not founded on any fact) I don't like the American engines either.


For me a Japanese four stroke is the only way... But that is just an opinion!


As it happens I have been told of a number of Etec dealerships that have decided to go to alternative brands as they have simply found the reality not up to the marketing. I have used a number and apart from economy I haven't seen any benefit over standard 2 strokes.

I am, of course, aware that all manufacturers will have certain faults and hic-cups and even the odd major foopar, but Etec's seem to be in the press, on forums and discussed in the industry as having far more than a fair percentage of them. This, I believe, is largely due to people believing the ridiculous service intervals and not actually doing any basic maintenance on their engines in between.

I think the engines are as good, if not marginally better than a standard 2 stroke, but I firmly believe that owners need to service them just as they would any other 2 stroke or they are asking for trouble.


It will be very interesting to see how the next decade pans out for the engines already in use. I suspect those that have ignored the service plan and carry out regular maintenance will be enjoying their engines well into the future... I am not so sure about the remainder.


I don't like Etec's, but that's my choice and my opinion. It's not so much the engine, more the manufacturers twoddle over how "good" they are.

I don't like American 4 strokes, in this case, no reason, I don't like the look of them. I am not a fan of 2 strokes and whilst I think engines like Tohatsu are nasty and cheap looking, I admit they are bullet proof and if an owner wants a lump that will last as long as the boat and they plan to keep them for a long time then I think they are great.

I have warmed a little to the likes of the Optimax, mainly through information from experienced users and I make no bones about the fact I believe a good Japanese 4 stroke beats the lot hands down.

My love of 4 strokes comes from owning several and finding them smooth, reliable, quiet and economical.


I am not slagging off any competition. At the end of the day, I am having a discussion over a particlar brand of outboard.

If I was sat in my showroom, as salesman Tom, and I said that this is cr@p because this will break, that will break, this will go wrong and you'll be paying out extra money for this then fair enough. As a salesman, it is my job to try and sell the benefits of my own products and suggest areas where the competition may be weaker. That's when I am in my office, talking with a customer about an imminent purchase.

When I am online I am not, I am participating in a forum as individual forum member Tom.

My opinion as an individual is as important as your opinion as an individual. Both are valid and both should be put forward or a forum would be a very dull place if we simply agreed all the time.


Yes your engines great

Yours is too

I love your boat

Yours in beautiful too


...bit dull don't you think


You and I usually get on very well, aren't we allowed to disagree sometimes?








Thank god for that.


All I did was post what I consider a useful link for the members who run E-Tec's. Why am I not surprised it was hijacked by some ??




You DID post a good link for us ETec users.


While we're on the subject, Where's the best place ( cheapest ) to by suitable 2 stroke oil for my ETec ?

Anyone have any Ideas ?





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