Adam F Posted December 31, 2008 Report Posted December 31, 2008 (edited) Nothing like a new boat to raise the eagerness levels!! For some crazy reason Bob and I decided that it would be a good idea to get out of a warm bed whilst it was still dark and venture into the darkness that was -4C in Shaftesbury this morning... Anyway - the marina was frozen with cat ice, the screen was frosted over, the hose on the pontoon was frozen solid and the gas decided that it was too cold to heat a kettle, ho hum! After a brief fuel top up at Salterns, off we went to the Island.... 40 mins of steaming saw us settled on the Car Park fishing in the coldest conditions I've ever fished in - artic tundra like.... no joke! All in all a shite day - about 6 dogs and 2 pout, nowt else, but who the hell cares! Bob and I had fun on the new boat, the kettle and frying pan started working - we spent most of the day inside a warm(ish) wheelhouse which is a real novelty for us and it sure beats xmas sale shopping! Happy New Year to all! Edited January 1, 2009 by Maverick Quote
Sinbad Posted January 1, 2009 Report Posted January 1, 2009 Adam I'm sure you'll get there, when bob has stopped playing with all the toys!. I was impressed that you saw gastonought on the radar, what with all those learned reports stating that GRP boats have no echo..... Maybe I can save myself a few quid on a radar reflector ?? or is it Gastronoughts magnetic field that attacts fish and radar alike? PF Quote
great white Posted January 1, 2009 Report Posted January 1, 2009 Well done guys we can understand the excitment and the need to get out on the new boat. I think our first was a very slow day after flounders We are sure that it will not take long for Joint Venture to become a regular on the catch reports. When are you out again? Charlie Quote
Adam F Posted January 1, 2009 Author Report Posted January 1, 2009 We will try to get another trip in before back to work - weather dependant..... might have a go for some eels next trip out Radar - Bob has worked with these things for years, but they are pretty new to me, I know the basics, but not how to set them up etc... We had a quite a long discussion re. reflectors on the way out. I'm still very sceptical, but did have to conceed that the cardinal buoy around the needles which do have relectors on gave huge targets on the screen, and the needles light almost blocked out it's section of the dispay, so they do have a use. Saying that boats without reflectors seems to show well too. Next time we are out, I'll try to get a few screen shots to show those without radars what their boats show like. Finally, what really helps is the colour diplay - like a sonar, the harder the target, the darker the result, so a rock or steel ship shows as red, green next softer, with the likes of blue usually showing wave tops etc... Much to learn! Quote
great white Posted January 1, 2009 Report Posted January 1, 2009 2 Small point guys, that may be of interest MCA requirement that you have a Radar reflector of some sort. Fitting one of the cheap ones in a tube fills that requirement but as they are about usless seems all but pointless. We carry one of the old fashined ally type, it is quick to deploy but a permenent one would be better. Now you are running a boat with radar it is also compulsary to know how to operate it, use it and keep it maintained, you may not know but if you were to have a collision in poor vis or at night with a vessel that did not have a radar you would be deemed to be at fault. No preaching or scare mongering intended, just trying to pass on info Charlie Quote
Adam F Posted January 1, 2009 Author Report Posted January 1, 2009 Thanks Charlie. helpful info. What reflector to carry though - this old chesnut again? I dont care what the regs are I cant see the point of carrying and installing the useless tube type. What are our options? Quote
Adam F Posted January 1, 2009 Author Report Posted January 1, 2009 Looks like a choice between these two: or Quote
gaffa Posted January 1, 2009 Report Posted January 1, 2009 Adam, The sizes of the 2 types you've mentioned are too small to meet standards. You need the largest size for of course much more dosh. Why spoil the ship for an "ha'peth of tar" Why not get the best performing passive around The Cyclops is the one to beat see for details and contact the factory for prices and recommendations They may even have their new design available ....smaller cheaper and more powerful... although they may still be trialling materials Office is in Bognor Regis I've got the cyclops 3 fitted to mine see pic. Quote
gaffa Posted January 1, 2009 Report Posted January 1, 2009 Pics didn't load I'll try again if no luck suggest you email me and I'll send them by return Peteg Quote
gaffa Posted January 1, 2009 Report Posted January 1, 2009 and the next givesyou a better idea of size It weighs around 7.7 kg Quote
Adam F Posted January 1, 2009 Author Report Posted January 1, 2009 Thanks Pete. That is the size of a radome!! Plus at 7.7kgs it is a fair lump. Take your point re. performance etc.... Adam Quote
Jim Posted January 1, 2009 Report Posted January 1, 2009 My Dad used to have something like this on his yacht years ago. It's approx 18" high. Are these classed as no good now ? Confused. Jim Quote
Adam F Posted January 1, 2009 Author Report Posted January 1, 2009 Jim, Actually I think they are. One of the oldest and most basic reflectors cost sod all. They perform pretty well, but the downside is they look dead ugly!! Quote
shytalk Posted January 1, 2009 Report Posted January 1, 2009 the tube types(mobri) are no longer accepted for mca coding so says my surveyor the good old octehedral type ( if mounted correctly) echomax firdell blipper etc are allowed the solas v/19 says a radar reflector should be mounted if practicable i think it would be difficult to argue in the event of an incident that it isnt practical on a 6m+ boat with a wheelhouse on the grounds of aestics alone ????? Quote
Jim Posted January 2, 2009 Report Posted January 2, 2009 Cheers Adam, Ugly's not a problem ! - - - - - - Dosh is ! Jim Quote
Adam F Posted January 2, 2009 Author Report Posted January 2, 2009 Quote ble i think it would be difficult to argue in the event of an incident that it isnt practical on a 6m+ boat with a wheelhouse on the grounds of aestics alone ????? Completey agree Pete. I'm just saying that they are damn ugly and given a choice would have one of the enclosed versions. What are the regs on having a reflector - should every boat have one? Quote
gjb Posted January 2, 2009 Report Posted January 2, 2009 Hi i have a Navman radar on a 150mm powertower where can i fit a radar reflector so as not to be in line, and with powertowers at Quote
great white Posted January 2, 2009 Report Posted January 2, 2009 Graham I believe some can be mounted above the radome. But I would suggest not one that weighes 7.5kg Charlie Quote
gjb Posted January 2, 2009 Report Posted January 2, 2009 Thankyou for the info charlie i will look into it cheers graham Quote
Sinbad Posted January 2, 2009 Report Posted January 2, 2009 I'm going for one of the trilobed ones (eventually) as the Ouzo report seemed to confer this was the best compromise (price/ area, m2) for our type of boats, which at Anchor can easily have 15 deg of heel in a slop. Lots of the other types perform badly under test (cyclops excepted). Though the broom handle and Octahedral mounted on the roof rocket launchers was the original plan. Pity there's not many merchants in the area with these trilobes on the shelf, pretty much only the echomax type and the octahedral, and some tubes. Paul Quote
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