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Mike, another senior moment, perhaps?! rolleyes.gif


Welcome to the forum and have lots of fun.

In my day we were happy to find the information in the body of the letter and that'sthewasitwasandtheworldwasabetterplaceforitIcantellyouwedidn'thavetogogalavantingroundthepageto.....................What? mad.gif Who? mad.gif ............

I heard that!! blink.gif


Me senior moments!! mad.gif Never.


MOTHER! Time for me pills !!!


Martin...................perhaps a braille link up would be an idea, help out Mikey in his blinder moments...................


Welcome to our new member, have fun




...I heard it's one of the most violent books you can read. laugh.giflaugh.gif




Jesus walks into a hotel, throws 3 nails on the counter and says, "can you put me up for the night?" laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif

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