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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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I'm personnally in favour of bringing kayak fishing into the comps. I think it brings a refreshing dimension to the fishing, and can only add to the safety of the kayakers if there are also club members in boats who can assist if help is needed.


It surely must be safer for kayakers to be in a comp with other "proper" boats than fishing their own comps.


Kayaking is one of the fastest growing sustained sports in the country. Lets embrace it and help it move forward.



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Only just noticed this, and what an interesting thread & discussion.


There are some very valid points made regarding Kayak fishing, safety etc. This branch of fishing is still in it's infancy and I for one would be very pleased to see new faces joining in, particularly from the ranks of the club. There's a great deal to be discovered and fresh minds will bring new ideas, to the benefit of all.


As for teaming kayaks up with boats, competitions etc. again, there's much still much to be done, we are only scratching the surface at the moment.


My primary motivation in posting the odd catch report has always been to raise awarenss of Kayak fishing and bring new people into the sport.


I'm not a member of this club but perhaps now the time is right. (if you'll have me!!)





My other boat is an inflatable 2 man canoe which Heidi and I often take on holiday to explore the inshore fishing in new locations. Its great fun and I believe allowing these really small boats into the club would be a really good move, providing some suitable safety guidlines are developed.


Gordon H

I'm not a member of this club but perhaps now the time is right. (if you'll have me!!)




Hi James


Well you never gave us the chance to say no laugh.gif welcome to the club and I hope you enjoy your membership.


I have updated your forum status to that of club member and Bob F will send a formal acknowledgement in due course.



Posted (edited)


Sorry Martin I think I just jumped the gun a bit too and paid for membership.

Was I meant to fill out an application form first?

And then the application goes infront of a commitee?

Edited by Zzippy

Sorry Martin I think I just jumped the gun a bit too and paid for membership.

Was I meant to fill out an application form first?

And then the application goes infront of a commitee?

Nothing wrong in the way you jumped in. Bob will send out the forms for you to fill out in due course



Posted (edited)

A warm welcome to Mark and James - i think you guys have started something exciting here


hopefully see you Thursday?



We'll be there Paul, also with Kayak(?) as requested, trust it will fit, don't know the venue.


edit, just us then as don't do stairs.

Edited by Overrun

I have kept out of this one because I am a new member myself and feel this is for the longer serving members to discuss, debate and decide.....BUT.....I must say since the first time I saw kayaks over in Christchurch harbour about 3 years ago I have been aware of the exciting potential of fishing from them and exploiting the smallest bay /feature/ inlet /cave / bump in the harbour....and from almost any launch site.

Safety is an issue ....but lets not get too prescriptive....every skipper has the same responsibility... a 10ft two man rower with a 2hp outboard has the some potential for disaster.

There is an issue of distance between yaks.....and there MAY be an issue with yaks in numbers completely smothering a mark so that no larger craft can fish it effectively??

But nothing that cannot be overcome I am sure.....and I for one feel that the yakers forum posts/reports have been interesting, informative and exciting. THE GUYS SOUND AND SEEM LIKE THEY ARE RIGHT UP THERE FOR THE CLUB TOO....REGARDLESS OF THE DEBATE OUTCOME....Exciting times.


I will state that my enthusiasm is, and will remain as a spectator.....unless they are able to be fitted with outriggers on both sides for stability.


Hope I haven't been too outspoken FOR A NEWBIE

Dave biggrin.gif


Welcome to the club your reports have been great.



You can get your Yak up the stairs easily at the Labour club they are quite wide. It would be good to see a Yak properly rigged, please smile.gif






Welcome to the club your reports have been great.



You can get your Yak up the stairs easily at the Labour club they are quite wide. It would be good to see a Yak properly rigged, please smile.gif




I agree, I am sure we could get it upstairs , with teh Clubs permission of course



Welcome to the club your reports have been great.



You can get your Yak up the stairs  easily at the Labour club they are quite wide. It would be good to see a Yak properly rigged, please smile.gif




I agree, I am sure we could get it upstairs , with teh Clubs permission of course



Getting a kayak up a set of stairs is ok.But it depends on how tight the cornering is!

A friend told me once you get in the club you do a left and go up the stairs.Do you think it would be ok to get a 14.5 foot kayak round? (without bending it) blink.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif


Not sure until we try but I think it is possible.....wont know until we try....I will be there in plenty of time so am willing to assist if required.


Echo some of the others....It would be great to see a fully rigged yak and have some Q's answered.



edit, edit, biggrin.gif will bring the Kayak(s) etc., if it won't go then no problem as locked to car anyway, obviously appreciate help with the stairs. As Mark says close to 15ft long and just over 2ft wide, weight 55lb'ish unrigged.


Looking forward to it guys, we've done a few wild trips over the years and this might turn out to be another laugh.gif

Posted (edited)

Glad to see we are generating some interest and enthusiasm, however i wouldnt mind slowing something down a bit.


The Kayak in the bar scenario, lets do it.... but not this week


This week i will formally propose the change to the rules so that we can agree a way forward in preperation for the April AGM, lets face it no change will take place until that time anyway.


As we no longer need to rush getting a Kayak into the Bar we can check out the site tomorrow to see if its possible, then we can arrange a date for a Kayak or two to turn up for an overview and discussion where we have a planned demo night, I believe we can make a good demo with a bit of planning.

Edited by Zed
Glad to see we are generating some interest and enthusiasm, however i wouldnt mind slowing something down a bit.


The Kayak in the bar scenario, lets do it.... but not this week


This week i will formally propose the change to the rules so that we can agree a way forward in preperation for the April AGM, lets face it no change will take place until that time anyway.


As we no longer need to rush getting a Kayak into the Bar we can check out the site tomorrow to see if its possible, then we can arrange a date for a Kayak or two to turn up for an overview and discussion where we have a planned demo night, I believe we can make a good demo with a bit of planning.

That actually sounds like a plan ph34r.gif uuurrm were not used to planning rolleyes.gif Sorry that was when I had the helm laugh.gif Were much more organised now PJ has control tongue.gif




we've done a few wild trips over the years and this might turn out to be another 


Up to you if you want to bring them this week or wait until another time.

If you go ahead and want help on arrival then the number is 07742121494 to rally the troops





Bing it,

Bing it,

Bing it,

Bing it,

Bing it,

Bing it,

Bing it,

Bing it,

Bing it,

Bing it, !!!!!!


I want to see you ride it back down the stairs!!!



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