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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Nice one Paul/Adam, Thanks


But there is no memtion of a need to book in prior to the comp, so Club knows who is fishing, from where and when.


I thought that was included for safety reasons, but I may have just not remembered correctly.




Hi Charlie/Paul/Adam and all........

I just found this on another PINNED post......does this booking in system still apply ??



" To fish the comps all you have to do is register the night before with either myself ( Paul Dore - 07887 875964 ) or with Mike Fox 07768 232483 - also I will put a thread on the forum and will accept registration this way as well.


You can also register on the day by calling myself or Mike up on Channel 6 ( Neo or Frisky Fox ).


If you are unable to contact either myself of Mike then call any other committee member or call them up on Channel 6 in the morning and they will pass on the message.


If a boat is not registered for each comp then their catches will not count.


Weighing of fish is done on trust ( apart from the Nov Open Comp ). "



Hope I am not stirring up a storm here but needs bringing together !!:(

I have just "registered " using a post on the other thread.......... but have I ??????







You are right - I missed it off the list of rule. I couldnt find an old set, so re-typed them from scratch and missed this. You do need to register - but the names and contacts have now changed.


It isnt set in stone - registering with me or by posting on here is preferable, but we are a friendly close knit club, and provided you let someone on the comittee know, who can let me or post it on the forum it will be OK.


Paul D - can you add the registration element to the rules above?



  • 1 year later...

This is a first for me so just read the rules for the kayak comp. Couldn't see what the judging is on. Variety of species or weight of best fish ??? Can someone clarify please. Sorry if it's obvious and I've missed it.


I may be wrong but I am pretty sure as this is a species comp (Bass) then only Bass will be counted. There are 2 prizes, best fish overall and best catch and release fish (which could both be the same thing).


Weight is done on trust so no weigh in so ideally you will have weighed your own fish before releasing it unharmed wink.gif.


I am sure someone will tell us both if I am wrong.


Sunday's comp is a Bass comp ......... best specimen bass wins; club trophy for best specimen [bass], BASS trophy for best specimen caught and released.

  alun j. said:
Sunday's comp is a Bass comp ......... best specimen bass wins; club trophy for best specimen [bass], BASS trophy for best specimen caught and released.

Alun the kayak comp is also this Sunday


Just to confirm and clarify it is both the Bass and Kayak comp this Sunday. Kayaks can enter both comps if they wish so long as they conform to the 2 kayak rule and of course the competition rules.


This has happened due to circumstances with the earlier Kayak comp clashing with other events. Hopefully this won't happen in future years.


Good luck and stay safe to all those fishing




I was in my yak last night fishing the haven and the bass were jumping out the water ,as were mackerel . Tried all sorts of lures but couldn't connect. Next time I'll take a butterfly net or a cricket bat. Also had a baby smoothhound surface and swim along side my yak. it was a bit surreal.

  Maverick said:
Just to confirm and clarify it is both the Bass and Kayak comp this Sunday. Kayaks can enter both comps if they wish so long as they conform to the 2 kayak rule and of course the competition rules.


This has happened due to circumstances with the earlier Kayak comp clashing with other events. Hopefully this won't happen in future years.


Good luck and stay safe to all those fishing



Martin ,would it be better if us kayakers fish the bass comp and postpone the kayak comp until later in the year on a more suitable date , dont want to upset anybody by winning three trophies in one day biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif

I am sure it wont stop any of us from fishing that day and as we havent had kayaks in club comps before it would be good to see how we get on against the boats,


What do you reckon ,would it be easier that way rolleyes.gif

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