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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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All the ideas sound great to me but it is Mark who needs to hear them. It's no good us discussing them and agreeing what we would like to see without passing the ideas on. That is history repeating itself.

The Angling Trust is a new start with different people and we can't tar them with the same brush as we did the NFSA without giving them a chance. If you don't agree with what an organisation does then you can withdraw your support but you will never change anything by not engaging in the first place and the only way to engage is by becoming a member.

If Mark is the only paid employee and we are already complaining about the 'bottomless pit' we stand no hope against people with vested interests worth millions who will employ barristers and professional lobbyists to further their aims.

I have a bottomless pit moored in Poole Harbour into which


The talk i heard last year was much more upbeat and full of stategic content.

Mark and the AT took a leap of faith to provide a decent structure to suport the forecasted membership.

This is something the NFSA never acheived, they could hardly respond to an email in many cases.

The AT has been let down badly by a lack of support and we have seen the depressing sight of redundancies already!


I have nothing but praise for Mark Lloyd and his commitment to the cause, i would have given up ages ago and been left with the impression that the UK angler derserves what they get and what they are willing to pay for.


It really depresses me to think that anglers are willing to sit back and do nothing, watching an organisation like this go down the pan.

You can wait for something to happen or you can make something happen by doing something positive with your



"One of the problems is many of us have become used to the current state of fishing as the norm, no idea of what fishing could or should be like."


I agree Paul - take Canada as an extreme example - lots of regulation, expensive licenses, bag limits, seasons for vaious species and LOADS of good fishing. I'd be well up for that in the UK!




I have seen that first hand in NZ


they have controls and are willing to enforce them, and good fishing again after years of decline.


No doubt it took people like Mark to start the ball rolling


As Peter says Mark and the AT need to know our feelings, perhaps someone should send him an email link to this thread.


As others have said, I will join to try and help in a tiny tiny way, but with good marketing and PR how many others would also join up.


I have a lot invested in a recreational angling boat, how much would she be worth with no fish?


I hope to go offshore at the weekend, it will cost about


I forgot to add my thanks to Dave ( Coddy) for organising the event


Judging by the attendance (Circa 70) and the commentary here it seems it was a worthwhile event


cheers Dave




Well done to all this has got people talking and quite a few are parting with their cash. Keep the new memberships coming.


We need representation at the highest level and these are only guys who can deliver. Forget the past the NFSA is dead and gone and lets move forward by supporting the AT.





I joined the AT a year ago & since then I have gone at it hammer & tongue, mostly in the forums of WSF. The way I see it is that we are now facing the biggest threats to our sport we have ever seen, We need to meet the challenges that are most definately going to present themselves in the very near future, strong & as a force to be reckoned with.

Is there anyone on these forums or any other on the other sites that is going to put thier coat on and march to the corridors of power to personally fight our corner against the idiots who want to sell us out to the euro nutters, or the bird watchers & animal rights lot who would love to see the back of us.

Since the new legislation & conservation zones etc there is a pile of so & so`s coming out of the woodwork to use that legislation as a weapon against us, Which one of you is going to fight them off then!?

The simple fact of the matter is WE NEED A BODY TO FIGHT OUR CORNER, The AT is that body, THERE IS NO ONE ELSE!,

10 yrs down the line when its all gone pear shaped for us all, I can sit back & be justified in having a moan about how events have turned out because I paid my membership to at least give the AT a chance to help us.



Its all down to personal choice, but remember one thing! While your all arguing & doing nothing but slating anyone who tries to help, time is ticking away & I guarentee that our opponents are making better use of that time than we are.


like has been said, whats


I joined last week........and have been thinking....wink.gif


In my professional career I was required to have achieved a certain status and qualification AND join a body called the Engineering Council before I could become a Chartered Member .....and I was required to be Chartered to practice as an Engineer.


I wonder if this would be the sort of thing that could be applied to leisure fishing clubs such as ours. We already have to pay our water authority license to fish inland waters....could all clubs make membership of the AT a requirement of joining the club ....proof would be required annually at renewal !! (there may be the stumbling block !!) sad.gif


Just a thought.....All clubs would need to sign up to this too.....so there would need to be some central co-ordination......AND already I am talking my self out of this.....What a stupid idea !! rolleyes.gif


OH well.......I had a dream !! tongue.giftongue.gif


Dave biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif


I have joined many organisations over the years , i have been on all the countryside marches in london because i am a very keen field sportsman hunting ,shooting ,fishing and i still pay my dues but i often wonder for what, it seems to me the goverment take advise from faceless men who dont know there backside from there elbow and to hell with the rest of us


hope i am wrong


Posted (edited)

Open Letter to: Mark Lloyd of the Angling Trust (from an ordinary sea angler)


Dear Mark,

Thanks for taking your time to give the PBSBAC a presentation this month, which was both educational and interesting.


You might remember me as the chap that asked you a rather innocent question as to what you were doing about discards from commercial fishing vessels. While you answered my question, agreeing it is an issue, you did not respond in a manner that demonstrated you have a clear strategy to deal with this. I did point out this was a

Edited by Mike Fox


I received the following reply from Mark via e-mail on 1st Feb, which I copy in full here. Am not seeking to influence anyone, just keep everyone informed about an interesting response.




Dear Mike,


Thanks for your e-mail and I appreciate your suggestions. I also enjoyed meeting everyone the other night and took on board several ideas for specific campaigns.




The Countryside Alliance has got a fishing section too.....although it is mainly for Sport/Fly fishing they do support course fishing too I believe.......


They have been campaigning for years now and have considerable "clout" I believe.


Worth forging some bonds and considering some joint campaigns with them too I

would think !! If it is possible !! tongue.giftongue.gif


Dave biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif

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