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Everything posted by biggcol

  1. I thought AT had changed but I’m not 100% sure on that. This subject should be good for discussion tonight. Don’t think we can make it tonight.
  2. Charlie I definitely remember that we voted to up our specimen size for Spurs. Not sure when it was but we were still up at Ashley Road. Well done on a good fish.
  3. biggcol


    Hi Brian Thanks will message you to sort out pick up Cheers Colin
  4. biggcol


    Thanks for the reply’s I should have said duel feed engine flush muffs
  5. biggcol


    Does anyone have twin hose outboard muffs to fit Yamaha 150 that I could borrow for a day please.
  6. Well done to Bobi for finding a Unicorn in the RNLI Flounder comp. She managed 2nd place with a Flounder of 1lb 2 oz. There were only 3 Flounders weighed in . There was a good turn out of 14 boats with 36 anglers.
  7. Jerry the Bass ban isn’t on till the end of this month, we are now inline with the grumpy commercials
  8. Merry Christmas all. Fishing was amazing yesterday.
  9. Sorry unable to attend too.
  10. Have a good one Nigel
  11. Thanks for the birthday wishes. Had a quiet day out to lunch with friends today. Will sort some pics of boat soon.
  12. Well done Dave. You got it to the boat proper job. We will be upgrading our leaders this year🤣
  13. You must make sure that you tuck the returning end back through the loop the same way it went in.
  14. biggcol

    Wacker plate

    Does anyone have a wacker plate I could borrow please.
  15. Chris you have me down for vouchers May and Oct think you need to change Oct.
  16. Been a little breezy recently
  17. Booking in for individual species hunt 2024 Bobi Francis Colin Francis Pete Russell snr
  18. Boblin 3 booking in for boat species hunt 2024.
  19. Yes Steve a good summary. The max /min sizes are possibly going to be applied to more species, Bass ,Bream etc, I for one think this is very good. What we need as recreational sea anglers is for more people to turn up to these meetings. The government bodies are beginning to listen to us and take notice of what we have to say. RSA`s are now officially Stake Holders and as such have to be listened to. Please try and do your bit and turn up at these meetings .
  20. We will be out tomorrow too.
  21. I think Pete wins the happiest face.
  22. Happy birthday Mal
  23. Thanks for the birthday wishes. Sorry for the delay been trying to work my way through six bottles of scotch 🥴🥴🥴🥴
  24. 2.2knts
  25. Our plan was to make the most of the weather on Wed, we had a rehearsal in the evening so couldn’t stay out too long. We planned to get to the boat for 0700hrs but we were ahead of schedule and we were off by 0645hrs. The plan was to head to a bank for bass drifting and anchor for the slack for an hour or so. First drift I hooked up with a fine 48cm bass, second drift which was slowing down I managed another bass of 51cm. So do we drift again or anchor we decided to anchor. We didn’t have any fresh mackerel but our frozen had only been in the freezer since last Tuesday. Down went the big baits on 6oz leads and then lighter rigs with worm. We had steady fish for an hour, congers, a Small Blonde and a few nice Bream. The tide was turning and we started upping the lead, once 10oz wasn’t holding we pulled up the hook and went back on the drift. We were back on the Bass straightaway and we were both hooking up on every drift. I spotted another boat heading in our direction and our thoughts were that a charter was heading to our bank, lucky for us it was Loobie iv. Gerry asked if we were going to anchor or drift. I confirmed we were drifting for Bass. Gerry being the gent he is stayed over a different part of the bank to us, it didn’t seem he was doing as well as us so I told him to follow us on our drift as we were hitting fish each drift. Gerry called up saying that he had a problem with his engine monitoring or something like that. He decided to head inshore so we kept a listening watch in case he had any problems getting home. We carried on drifting and ended up with 24 bass the best 58cm. We headed back at 1330hr and stopped off on a Ray mark near Swanage. The baits were being stripped in minutes by Bream giving any Ray that might have been around no chance. We gave it an hour then headed back. It was a great day to be out and we had our quota of 4 bass all nice eating size.
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