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Everything posted by Oli

  1. Thanks everyone, appreciate it.
  2. Brilliant Martin, thank you.
  3. Thanks a lot for this Chris, really helpful. Definitely sounds like one we should do, but not on this weekend's tides! We have friends staying and thought it would be fun but I think I'll wait for neaps. Any idea if there's anywhere else with water/moorings in the harbour that offers a decent lunch? Is the cobbs restaurant any good? Or are there any visitors berths on Poole Quay even? We only ever use the boat for fishing so this is all new to me having to plan for something social!
  4. I've never made it to the pub on the Wareham Channel before but it's on the list of things to do. I believe it's the Old Granary? Does anyone have any advice? Loads of questions - How long does it take to get there from the harbour? - Is it fairly easy to get a spot to moor - Is it ok for a stern drive boat like SC depth-wise? - OK on springs as well as neaps? - Or is it just going to be a load of grief I don't need! etc! Thanks in advance
  5. Someone tried to add me on the catch reporter for this fish. To be clear that was the best fish on SC but Duncan (non club member) caught it not me (even with my arms stretched out as far as possible that unfortunately wasn’t big enough!). Don't want to be wrongly claiming a podium spot!
  6. Haha very true - that's what I'm laughing at. There's another photo where I'd gone full on 'head back arms forward'
  7. Couple of photos I’ve just been sent.
  8. Sweet Chariot went east but time constraints meant we could only get out for the morning flood. A bit lumpier out on the banks than expected but still an enjoyable day with plenty of fish, best bass at 5lb6oz.
  9. Sweet Chariot hope to be out Saturday. Oli & Nick Maingay, Tim Coombes
  10. As Adam says, it really rips round there, I wouldn't recommend anchoring there with these tides, you'll barely get any slack and need half a tonne of lead to hold the bottom
  11. Happy birthday both
  12. Always full of useful knowledge Mike, thank you.
  13. Thanks Steve, good advice! Do you know if you can prebook an outer pontoon berth?
  14. We're keen to go too though want to try staying in Guernsey this year so maybe nights 1 and 2 there and night 3 in Alderney.
  15. Thanks all, really appreciate it! Not fishing sadly, but itching to get out!
  16. And Nick and I
  17. Is this definitely geniune Dave as I can't find any other source?
  18. A load more free lunches and another set of guidelines I expect.
  19. A notice from the Marine Conservation Society: Dear Friend, Overfishing and damaging fishing practices have reduced many fish stocks and harmed the seabed, threatening marine wildlife and coastal communities. Now we have a once in a lifetime opportunity to fix our fisheries and make sure our seas are full of life long into the future. The UK government has opened a public consultation asking how we think they should take care of fish stocks after Brexit through a new Bill. We have a unique chance to tell decision-makers that UK fisheries must be sustainable. CLICK HERE TO ACT NOW Tell the Secretary of State for the Environment, Michael Gove, why we need sustainable fisheries: the whole marine ecosystem, the fishing industry and our coastal communities all depend on it. We’ve made it easy for you to participate. Our pre-filled response covers all of the areas we think should be at the core of the new Bill. Please act now - you only have until the 12 September! CLICK HERE TO ACT NOW
  20. Oli

    Saturday 21st

    Hopefully catch you out there Dave. Not sure if we'll head East or West yet, flip a coin I guess!
  21. Anybody else considering some wrecking this weekend?
  22. Oli

    Friday pm

    Thanks, all done.
  23. Compared with a beam trawler which could be out every day of the week? I’d have thought recreational anglers wouldn’t touch the sides (much like the bass ban).
  24. I’d say nothing much at all to do with bigger and faster boats (this last trip I didn’t see anyone fishing other than club boats and maybe one small Guernsey boat - and that was on a perfect forecast and bank holiday!) and more to do with trawlers. That’s a pure guess though!
  25. Just spoken with them - they are open all weekend from 8am but with the tides he reckons the latest we could get in for fuel on Sunday would be 2pm and the earliest Monday morning 10am.
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