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Everything posted by Oli

  1. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-south-west-wales-41125399
  2. Oli

    New member

    Welcome to the club Steve, look forward to seeing you out there! Oli
  3. I'm sure many of you will have seen Brian's email and realised we've had some major web issues over the past week. Very frustrating indeed and due to no fault of our own. Nor was it a hack or anything like that so no need to worry about any security or personal details having been compromised. I'm pleased to say that it's finally back up and running having had to completely rebuild the site's database over the past few days. I will be moving the whole site to a new server ASAP and the forum software, IPB, will also be updated to the new version as they no longer support the version we run. Unfortunately this will inevitably lead to a bit of downtime and also more than likely a new forum layout (which no doubt they consider an 'improvement') so it may take a bit of getting used to. I will be able to give you plenty of notice of this happening rather than the unexpected outages we've just had! Please do let me know if you spot any bugs over the next couple of weeks as there may still need to be some tweaks made to get it back exactly as it was. I'll be lying down in a darkened room with a large drink! Thanks for your patience, Oli
  4. Oli

    New boat.

    Looking very smart Neil, congratulations!
  5. Very good and absolutely stunning weather, the sea was a mirror all day - more cod this time but the pollack weren't as big - biggest was about 10lbs but lots of fun!
  6. For us it was a case of entering the comp just in case there was a bonus flattie while wrecking...
  7. 1. Fisheagle crew tba. Day subject to crew availability will post Friday pm 2. Joint Venture...Adam Ian and Alun ....Sunday 3. Sweet Chariot - Nick & Oli - Sunday
  8. Oli


    Anyone looking at the forecast and thinking "mid channel"?
  9. Top report! Thanks for sharing
  10. Finding this a tough one to call - seems to be improving...
  11. We'll make the final call tomorrow too but as we were only doing 3 days anyway wouldn't want to lose one sat on the rock. Saturday looks pretty awful at the moment and Friday/Sunday only a bit better...
  12. Not looking good Sat and Sun now. As Dave says, fingers crossed! Is there a backup backup date?
  13. Any thoughts yet? Weather seems to change every time I look
  14. Just made the mistake of looking at https://www.windfinder.com/forecast/channel_lightship
  15. Oli

    DPD Dave from Poole

    Welcome Dave
  16. Good stuff, we're very fair weather Alderney visitors so let's hope for sunshine and mirror-like seas!
  17. Hi Steve, Adam, anyone else... Are you still looking at these dates? We're looking at a Friday-Sunday trip Oli
  18. Oli

    Happy Birthday Oli

    Thanks guys, unfortunately didn't get out on the water but a lovely day nonetheles!
  19. Details attached. 2016 32 Dredging Operations Cobbs Quay.pdf
  20. Please see the attached document regarding the current works in the harbour. 2016 31 South Quay dredging.pdf
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