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Everything posted by Oli

  1. Charlie, did Mainbrayce give any insight into their opening hours being a bank holiday weekend? Ideally we'd look to fuel up at some point Sunday afternoon/Early monday morning (tide permitting) but what with Sunday being Milk-a-Punch day I'm not sure there will be many sober people on the island!
  2. That definitely looks promising.
  3. Not a lot of detail on Silver Spray's monthly email which has just gone out but it does say at the top **Spaces left for Alderney in June and July, flattie fishing was good the first trip across this year** Which is promising.
  4. Well done that man.
  5. Where does everyone get their flaked ice from these days?
  6. Crikey. Let's hope they aren't coming back tomorrow:
  7. Can you ask him if there's been much caught too Charlie?
  8. All sorted
  9. Anyone have any idea what the rules on bass caught in Alderney are with them not being an EU state?
  10. 1. Tigerfish - Steve + Terry + Graham - (planning on Thurs 10th May to Sun 13th May. Depending on weather could shorten to a 3 days if needed or bring forward a little) 2. Reel Magic - Dave + Craig + Paul 5th - 8th May 3. Joint Venture - Adam + Ian + Alun + Rob Thurs 10th May to Sun 13th May 4. Madness - Martin - Dean - Tony 5th May - 8th May 5. Sweet Chariot - Oli + Nick + - 5th - 7th May 6. Kingfisher - Chris + Mal + Jerry - 5th - 8th May 7. Alfresco - Charlie. Neil, Ian and Alan - 5th - late 7th May.
  11. Good luck Mike, let us know how you get on.
  12. Presumably if we deep hook one and it unfortunately doesn’t survive we are expected to throw it back dead? I’m not sure how that sits with me really - a real waste.
  13. Most places on the island are quite understanding about postponing and cancellations which happens more often than not but check with wherever you book that they are too. I’ll be staying on board but have stayed in the Simerock before (probably would look to stay somewhere else if I stayed in the island again). Aiming for same dates as Charlie. Crew are living it up in the Braye Beach hotel
  14. Some big (12inch+) wrecking booms like these https://m.ebay.co.uk/itm/NEW-5-HEAVY-DUTY-WRECKING-Anti-Tangle-Clear-extra-strong-booms-13-long-45-bend/282880204157?hash=item41dcf95d7d:g:kZMAAOSwicpaebPA and some 6inch sidewinders will do you. If you get a pack of the “Cod Squad” and the “Bass Pack” they’re assorted so you’ll get 6 colours to play with https://m.ebay.co.uk/itm/Sidewinder-Sandeel-Lures-Sandeels-Bass-Lures-Cod-Fishing-Lures-6-or-4/221849631045?hash=item33a744b945:m:m6fHjXO1uIW74-RJ0ChJQQA As Martin said - you couldn’t be going with a better skipper. Edit to add - could be worth taking a heavier rod too, 20/30lb for the Tope fishing off speedy rock out there (plus of course if Charlie gets his “conger fever” on the way home)
  15. Happy birthday Dave
  16. I think we're looking at any of the first three weekendsof May, whichever has the weather that allows it.
  17. Thanks Paul, I do have a full backup but I think the missing ones are more to do with them not linking up properly as part of the upgrade - posts with missing photos would unfortunately mean manually going through them and linking them all up I think.
  18. Happy birthday Martin
  19. We're keen, would probably do a crack of dawn Friday, back Sunday. Crew TBC 1. Tigerfish - Steve + Terry + 2. Reel Magic - Dave + 3. Joint Venture - Adam + 4. Madness - Martin - Dean - Tony 5. Sweet Chariot - Oli + Nick +
  20. Thanks - both done. Most pages now have the Top 5 Boats on the right hand side of the page. This is only visible to Club Members who are logged in.
  21. Hi Steve Can definitely do this, bear with me as will have to write a bit of code to do it. Good find - I've now added a link to the Leaderboard which will appear in Tapatalk. It's in Club Only Section > Members' Boats Year Long Species Hunt at the top - 2018 Species Hunt Leaderboard - let me know you find it OK. Thanks and keep them coming! Oli
  22. That's already there under PBSBAC, see screenshot here: Hopefully it's now showing for everyone on other pages too?
  23. At those prices, each gallon costs you £5.85, therefore each mile costs you £2.17 (5.85/2.7)
  24. First time we went we took a couple of drums of fuel and refueled mid-channel. It was blowing a F4-5 and not an experience I'd recommend but I think we were all a bit eager that year and tend to be a bit more fair-weather now for that trip (well most of us!) so it would certainly be do-able.
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