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Everything posted by Oli

  1. Hi Adam Though the tides are a bit bigger we could only do that first weekend (8th-10th). Does anyone have experience of fishing the banks on these sorts of tides?
  2. Oli

    The big chapman wedding

    Hi Sam We got married in Studland a few years ago and used local people/companies for most of it. Will ask Jess to dig out the details. It's a bit like boats in that they hear the word 'wedding' and add a 0 to the price. Suit hire we used Austin Reed, they did a groom goes free when you hire for the rest of the wedding party - as they've just gone bust maybe they'll be selling off their hire stock? Invitations we made our own, sourced the bits from Cards and Pockets in the USA, really efficient and much cheaper than over here - http://www.cardsandpockets.com/ Photographer was a favour from a close friend so can't help you with that, but the cake was made by someone local so will find out for you. Oli EDIT: Cake - Jenny Budzinski - http://miss-ingredient.co.uk/- was fantastic Hair - Tracy - http://brideshair.co.uk/- obviously I didn't get involved with this but Jess and the girls loved her and would highly recommend.
  3. Happy Birthday Charlie
  4. Likewise - definitely keen for a trip but away those dates
  5. Still waiting too
  6. Well done Dave, great result.
  7. Well done JV crew - top angling and a great report Adam. Looks like you definitely made the right decision! Stunning fish Ian, congratulations. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. Oli

    Alderney 2016

    We're thinking the same, made such a huge difference having great conditions last year that we'd prefer to be patient and wait for a better weekend. Gutted but think it's the right call. Hope those that go have a good crossing and find lots of fish - keep us updated!
  9. Oli

    Alderney 2016

    Haha Adam I agree not good but improved on this morning first thing (Clutching at straws and still not good 'enough' but here's hoping!) Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. Oli

    Alderney 2016

    Just changed again (for the better): https://www.windfinder.com/forecast/channel_lightship
  11. First issue tomorrow I think. We've subscribed too, seemed a pretty good deal for 30 quid
  12. Oli

    Alderney 2016

    Will make final decision tomorrow too but at the moment I'm only really seeing it decent on Sunday afternoon, but still with a fair bit of leftover swell but a decent looking sea for the run back on Monday. At least it looks sunny but we probably would wait for a better weekend if it stays like this.
  13. Oli

    Alderney 2016

    What a difference 24h makes. Let's hope it swings back to what was showing yesterday as we won't bother on that forecast!
  14. Oli

    Alderney 2016

    The forecast I've been focusing on is Windfinder's mid channel one - https://www.windfinder.com/forecast/channel_lightship Big change from this morning...
  15. Oli

    Alderney 2016

    We're heading to Guernsey first - does that mean we can?
  16. Oli

    Alderney 2016

    When can we start talking about it?
  17. Oli

    Alderney 2016

    And when/where is everyone going? So far I see: Madness Tigerfish- Fri Alderney / Sat Guernsey / Sun Guernsey / Mon home Reel Magic Alfresco Sweet Chariot - Fri Guernsey / Sat Alderney / Sun Alderney / Mon home Kingfisher Joint Venture
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