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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by niggle

  1. 1. Alfresco Charlie , Sam, Dan, Will, + Craig 2. Graham (Little Sal) + one crew TBC 3. Alun J., Ian J. and Rob F. on JV. 4. Boblin Colin + Bobi 5. Dan R - Aqus (in the afternoon if its sunny laugh.gif ) 6. Paul F & Charlie A - Imagine 7. Lofty- + yak competitors 8. Toby - MONDAR - Crew TBC 9. Jim + Mike ( IwanttoseeJim'ssexyRodTubes ) 10. Ben(seagypsy)+ yak competitors 11.Nigel+two others on Court Jester
  2. niggle


    Jim dump them at mine I'll get rid of them
  3. If anybody is interested I can remove all the Lowrance gismo's Then I would except 16k not a penny less.........and that is a bargain only others on Internet are 20k and in Ireland !!!! Nige
  4. Yea i have one brand new kit,cost well over
  5. Mike I'd give it a good disinfecting if Trev's undies have been in there,they don't call him wedger for nothing
  6. niggle


    Jim you tight git,traded in you're car with no tyres
  7. Possibility of my mooring paid up until march 2012 in Ribs marine "pond" subject to confirmation from Ribs as there is a waiting list Nige New boat won't fit
  8. Mike don't be so tight...... Buy her some new marigolds
  9. List of equipment 6hp four stroke mariner new 2010 run about an hour Two spare new props Eberspacer heating with programable control Two anchors two sets of rope two Alderney buoys 8 x fenders 2 suspension seats 12 on deck rod storage tubes 12 rod holders 2 VHF radios one dsc Navman black and White fish finder used and shows mackerel Navman plotter note all navman equipment in roof console Lowrance 10hds combo with platinum plus card navionics Lowrance 5hds on deck Ethernet nep expansion port Broadband high definition radar Broadband transducer 50/200 4 automatic life jackets new 2009 Remote control search light Plus more
  10. Took er indoors to look at boats..........just like a woman. She's blown my planned budget to kingdom come!!!...........Very very nice boat though If anybody is interested get in touch soon before I plaster it over the Internet Cheers Nige
  11. I've got the whole of next weekend off as well,I was hoping summer might actually kick in as was thinking of going to Weymouth.Will just have to see if forecast improves
  12. Hard luck Paul but" imagine" it could of been worse Nige
  13. Looking around,will know when I see the right one
  14. Just wondered if any members would be interested,I have one person interested but is hesitating as I have no trailer. I am upgrading, 2005 17DT engine and leg overhaul only 50hrs ago @
  15. Had to work this morning but rushed to get out after lunch with a novice mate as crew,managed some maccy then straight out to the 50/50's ,asked Ow Much if they didn't mind as it was just to the side of their Bass drift,they gave me the thumbs up. Dropped the hook but as normal wind had taken me off my mark( really I'm crap at anchoring) so started the retrieve ......this is where it goes tits up........only needed to retrieve fifty feet of rope as crew who had been watching plotter mis-read it So I decided if crew pulls in rope I'll poodle forward........I instructed what he should do ..........slow forward ......."keep it tight to anchor" says me! CLONK.......engine stalls..............know what that is......I've FU?KING CHARLIE' D. So we are arse end to the wind and tide...........great. Now OW MUCH saw us from a distance and came straight over and kept watch while I tried to sort,it was no use so I started aux and put it in reverse to take pressure off of rope which made it a lot easier but it was looped over itself.....how does it do that? So took a knife to my anchor and off it came straight away. OW MUCH Still kept watch until main engine started and drive engaged and all ok A BIG THANKS TO OW MUCH...........or is it How Much? So after that I nearly went home but dropped the spare hook even though it was getting lumpy now,no takes as we really had missed "our window" so up anchor and it didn't pop properly on the bouy?pull it in and result my lost anchor rope.So best catch of the day......my anchor Not the best of days
  16. niggle

    Computer Scam

    Get those calls all the time just tell them the person they need to speak to is going to be free in a couple of minutes can they hang on..............................................................then just leave them waiting........................its their phone bill
  17. niggle

    Holy Mola!

    Sweet what a interesting twist to you're day. Nige
  18. I'm sure Bobi would love both engines in bright PINK
  19. Do they run Honda outboards by any chance?
  20. Delta at New Milton? 01425 621900 Bridge rubber Southampton ?
  21. Well done George,I've never seen one boated
  22. niggle


    Last I knew was Rupe was doing a complete engine and leg overhaul.Marina doesn't seem the same while Aquafresh isn't there.
  23. Great reports and looks like you had a great time,thanks for sharing Nige
  24. What a stonker,well done
  25. Me too ,might have a play this Saturday behind the island if I can get crew,
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