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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by niggle

  1. niggle

    Broadband Radar

    Martin you just want to see where everybody else are fishing
  2. No link John,channel 4 Wednesday 2100 Hugh Fearnley Whittingsomething on fish discards
  3. You confused me as I'm on virgin cable and listed @2100 is a baby thingy?But I'll have a look Nige
  4. niggle

    Broadband Radar

    Cor I'm really impressed with all you techno guys,but it all goes way over my head. My unit arrived today And now having an arch made for it....can't wait As I stated before I'm more interested in what's directly in front of me,pot markers,piers,a beach Will be great for early and late returns when dark as I find that disorientating ,I'm not bothered that there's a boat 15 or more miles away
  5. niggle

    Broadband Radar

    Sorry Duncan doooooooh..........2kw &.4 kw is I believe transmit power
  6. niggle

    Broadband Radar

    BB lowrance. Standby 1.6w...only 100ma 17w when in use@ 13.8vDc Older units I believe are either 2kw or 4kw
  7. Hmmmm.......a bit lumpy Mike. If I can get worms going to have a go for flounders Nige
  8. I have the above card...1.7...041-0680-17 2006. Navico 06/03/07 Haven't a clue what it is worth ,suitable for pre hds lowrance Offers? Nige
  9. niggle

    Fog Caution!

    "would I go out in fog again".......Hmmmmmmm ....if the fishing was better ....yes..but like you Peter I have 10hds and I'm awaiting the delivery of my broadband radar...which will make things easier.My main worry is collision with another vessel in the fog,that will soon not be a problem also apparently I'll be able to see buoys on the surface.......bonus,but maximum range is 8 miles which I don't see as a problem Nigel
  10. All this chat about restaurants has got me salivating ,I'm going to give the pebble beach a go in the spring though
  11. If you go online there's a
  12. With you're budget I'd start looking as some bargains over the next few months,if possible save some
  13. Exactly.........Hmmmmmmmmm
  14. Ill be out with mate and his son....subject to sea state hope to go way off the Needles Have heard conger about again which if true should be good to have something with some fight/bites Nige
  15. Well you had a new years start that very few have,and one you'll both always remember Nige
  16. Just done mine as well...ditto if anybody wants to borrow mine Nige
  17. niggle

    a small car ..

    Alun pm sent
  18. I can confirm that the compass played a major part in my return on Wednesday due to the slow gps response,hate to think where I would of ended up otherwise Nige
  19. Went out and the fog was thick,3 boats were coming back in on our way out through the harbour But we pressed on at a gentle pace with visibility about 10ft dropped hook on Dolphin sands and straight away caught 7 whiting and some pout but that was it for a while until I had some interest on my cod bait but unfortunately it took me uptide and my braid snagged and broke......oh well. My mate enjoyed his first boat trip and can't wait to go again. Pulled the hook at 1 and pottered back home without any problems,but I think I'm going to buy myself broadband radar as I wouldn't want to do any distance in those conditions. Mike (wantacodnpeeplease)was also out there somewhere Nige
  20. OMG they must of got the wide angle lens out again for Dave and Jim My cod made Sea Angling News p3,crap picture though
  21. Mike(about time youwentoutonyoureboat) as phone call I'll be out tomorrow with mate new to boat fishing so I'll have my hands full but you're welcome to squeeze on.But would be great for you to get a cod on your boat otherwise you're wife will think they all only come from mine Give me a shout on 6 and if I don't hear you phone me. Nige
  22. What a day,not a single bite 124 anglers 14 cod weighed in. We had it all rough first thing(good call Rob )fog so thick when we come in the skipper of Random Harvest went round in three circles on way back in until we spotted a potter that obviously knew his way home so he followed him...........then we come across another charter that apparently was also going around in circles and he joined the convoy(let's all do the conga) I have to admit that I felt yuk all day,I didn't ground bait,it would of been easier if I had a bite but that's fishing! Total catch on our boat today was 1 large edible crab,1 pout and 2 small whiting,a lot of boats were the same ,I blame the sprats that are in Nige
  23. No problem Martin,I must add the last two years with the club have been great with new friends I've made,the help,advice,banter,trips of which I hope to do more this year. Nige
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