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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by niggle

  1. niggle


  2. Thought about it,will check my other commitments
  3. 1. Gordon - Fugazi - crew TBD 2. Brian - MegaByte, crew = Mark (non-member) 3. Martin & Dean on "AWOL" 4. Paul - Neo - crew TBD - Want crew Gordon ? 5. John - Rosie One - Crew Dave 6. Dave Wight Magic - crew TBA 7.Nigel-Wishin-crewTBA
  4. No, you only do it every two years
  5. niggle

    capsized boat

    Mark if you need a hand with my boat or the land cruiser give me a call Free Sunday,07877195090 Nige
  6. niggle

    club meetings

    arrive 7.30 for 8.00 start
  7. Still have it,nobody has even seen it? If anybody is interested please don't be shy,even if you are only mildly interested I don't bite We still have six flipping cars,I can only drive one at a time Nige
  8. Now Full! If any others want a trip start another date list or put yourself down as a reserve for the 4th as there is nearly always space that arrises
  9. Oooooh anybody with a yellow kayak
  10. niggle

    Fish ID

    Ahhhhhh so if I use google chrome it won't work or Ipad or iPhone.
  11. niggle

    Fish ID

    Why cant I enlarge?all I get is a load of text? HELP
  12. Looking like this is most popular date,could arrange another if enough interest and the rate goes down if we do to
  13. I took my time this morning(due to my man flu) out by 10.30 it was lovely out there,found a mark set up rods and reels that had all been packed away for Ireland.Threaded line through rings looked around for my tackle box and then it dawned on me.Bloody box was still on patio! So without a single hook on the boat I went back to the mooring.It just wasn't to be,so feet up and cuddle the tissue box Feeling stupid Nige
  14. niggle


    Very good
  15. niggle


    Thanks Guys,you gave me more congrats than the Mrs. Suppose thats the way when youre well inside the Saga zone Nige
  16. niggle


    Belated congrats Paul Nige
  17. OOOhh after todays wind think inshore for me, probably be quite a swell out there.Good luck to all that go out will keep my ears open on ch6 Nige
  18. Charlie would of loved to of joined you and Dan ,bet that club conger record is going to get a nudge.But I think it best I just keep my sneezing to myself
  19. Hope to go out Saturday providing this flipping cold I bought back from Ireland eases,but also could be the cure! Would like to hit the offshore banks to see what's about Nige
  20. Right as I am now back, talked to Rob tonight one trip is
  21. There's a couple of strike liners on boats and outboards in your price range? Others may be able to give you the plus and minus points on them
  22. niggle

    Spinning Rod

    Ditto the ugly stik
  23. Sorry I was a bit rough
  24. Thanks to all,had a panic on yesterday put a disc out in my lower back fortunately managed to get it fixed but its as sore as a witches t*t There is something about this year and my fishing hols,hopefully thats it now just keep my fingers crossed for the weather gods Nige
  25. Well done to all that caught Sunday and hard luck Rob for not winning yet another comp,some say your loosing your touch?At least Charlie [on your boat]saved the day
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