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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by niggle

  1. Wishin will be out with Mike(illcatchcoducatchpout) early as tides for return at Christchurch are middle of afternoon
  2. I'll take enough for us all,if the whiting are on the feed could use more than one box,depends how many you use at a time ,bait elastic can slow them down a bit and so can cuttlefish
  3. Rory try Neal? I'm sure he lives at Broadstone
  4. OKno meet so any questions do on here or PM me.....mob 07877195090 I've got 10kgs of ilex and 4x 5lb boxes of squid will get more tomorrow if required,I get them from chinese supermarket@
  5. Good idea Adam.... Hooray its not just my kids..........SNOW DAY
  6. At the moment all GO for Saturday 8.00am at pontoon (by public slip) at the moment I'm going on my own I live in moordown so if anybody wants a lift let me know carpark is
  7. Steve,I would like to borrow 2lb bopedo mould if you do separate them Nige
  8. niggle

    Happy Birthday

    All the best John,snowing on your birthday are you out playing in it?
  9. I've been reading another forum...Beach&Boat..and at least 3 near 30lb cod were caught Sunday around the needles with photos,I shouldn't of spent so much time in cab It's great that these biggies are back.Hope weather is Ok for W/E
  10. John,thats very sporting of you ,thanks very much Nige
  11. For what it's worth,I would of made same call,have to consider boats of all sizes for safety
  12. Ask Mike(codncoldncantfeelmyfingers) I was in the cabin Yea Tomo how did you do?
  13. Chris Neal is first reserve (providing it's not raining ) I'll put you down as second reserve John no problem and if Neal does take your place tap him up for trip money Thursday night he should be there I've got his hair...oh I mean his cap
  14. Paul if it's really cold I'll be in the cabin,just fitted eberspacer heater I must be getting old,the cold never use to bother me
  15. Sundays looking a bit blowy but going to stick my nose out and see if we can find some shelter for cod or whiting,Mikes(codnpoutblennygobyseahorse)is up for it so let's see,Paul got his biggy last week in similar conditions,if anybody else goes out I'll be on ch6
  16. Dave does this now mean you can now mow the lawn with you're boat Sorry couldn't resist,thanks for the heads up sounds like a good contact
  17. I wondered how long it would take before Colin and Neal want to try and add it to their species
  18. Dave I will finalize Thursday night at the meet and will post as well,bait I will bring extra,squid but probably best to bring your own plus cuttle.As to fishing the solent been there got the t-shirt
  19. Sssssssssssh looking a bit better,changes every time I look
  20. Got friday covered so im out ,heres hoping
  21. Start praying to the wind gods,not looking good with 3.3m wave heights
  22. Anybody do any good today?I see Trev had a couple of cod in the record a catch. Come on some of us had to work and it's still looking horrible for Sunday
  23. I now carry a spare set up apart from the alderney rig as that's normally salvageable .I use a 5kg set up on my 21ft Nige
  24. Oooooooh that wind for sunday ,hope it changes for the better!
  25. John you should be fine,give it some to a decent mark and you should catch the best of the tide ,hope you have a good day
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