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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by niggle

  1. I`m off end of week to Ireland for this great comp,I`ll try to post our progress if the Irish wi fi works,probably wont go next year as tempted by climates where the sun shines.We hope to improve on last years 13th out of 48 boats but it depends on the fish gods Nige
  2. niggle


    PM Dave (coddy)he should be able to sort it
  3. niggle

    Charter Trip

    Well spotted Rob,mind last year it was cancelled several times I will try to get another date as well,I`ll talk to Rob and try and get an ideal tide Nige
  4. niggle

    Charter Trip

    Right talked to Rob today [he`s in alderney] and at the moment he has the 27th of November available which is a SATURDAY At the moment are there any members that this date is no good? Because if we still have around 16 willing to fish I will confirm date with Rob if he can get a second boat also a cat Southern Star Any body that cant do this date? 1/Mike[codunbassforme]
  5. Also went out pm yesterday,drifted southborne hopeful for plaice or a sole that thought it was dark :lol:loads and loads of gurnards all at 500m from beach and a solitary bass but no flats.Then adrift on the ledge no bass but a variety of wrasse.
  6. niggle

    Charter Trip

    Oooooh might need 2 boats? Nige
  7. niggle

    Charter Trip

    OK I`ll talk to Rob and get some dates up Nige Talked to Rob tonight and he`s on a 2 day trip so he will get back to me with some dates W/E are
  8. niggle

    Charter Trip

    Rob with Shogun out of Lyminton is offering
  9. niggle


    That's it I'm fitting a harpoon gun on my boat
  10. Adam a smaller box? I thought you were a tackle tart!
  11. niggle


    Me too
  12. A Big Well done to Rob and good luck to all Congratulations Dean!
  13. Charlie given it a lot of thought and have talked it over with Paul but I'm going to give it a miss due to mainly my boat won't be off the mud until 9.45 and I'm still dubious over the wind/wave height .In normal circumstances I wouldn't go out tomorrow . To all that do, have a great day and hope members win a few prizes Nige. P.S still think a Ray could win it
  14. Flippin Heck,was quite a good forecast now small windows sat and sun,if it doesnt worsen should be OK inshore ,just .Will just have to keep our fingers crossed for the Open
  15. I'm still undecided due to amount of running around involved to and from Christchurch will probably call it nearer the time,but I think it's possible a Ray could win it? Nige
  16. Hope to give it a go Trev but it's going to be lumpy,so will play it as I find it. Probably have a later start than you 9.30ish so I'll keep my eye out for any craft that Al's on Nige
  17. Sorry things have come to this Mike,what a great package for somebody Nige
  18. Still have it Trev,what,s you're idea? Nige P.s. If I don't sell it very tempted to turn it into a mini monster truck,Jack up kit and some bejesus wheels and tyres,but that's the child in me.Just think it would be great fun watching the wife getting in using a step ladder
  19. niggle

    Leisure Battery

    This thread is a bit like a Duracell
  20. niggle

    Air show

    Hope to be out there sunday too,also see if I can pick up an extra species to try and keep up with the bow thruster boys Nige
  21. niggle

    Air show

    Unfortunately the weathers looking pants,might have to fit wipers to my glasses
  22. niggle

    Air show

    Look for big banners on cliff face,this is a reference point for the pilots and usually fly right over these markers
  23. Nobody interested? If anybody is feel free to ask for road test would take
  24. Cheers ,but I don't like the sound of drilling the hole in the hull :huh:As the location of the unit I am limited but there is ideal area under the back edge of the cabin which would mean I'd need somebody more agile than me,but fuel and power supply would not be a problem. Thanks I'll be in touch. Nigel P.s must get it done as it was a real pain last winter when screen kept freezing,even the small camping heater gas bottles froze
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