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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by niggle

  1. niggle

    Wanted Radar

    After sat and fog in channel I need a radar set up ideally 2kw and a slimline monitor dont mind how much if its a good unit. thanks Nige
  2. Hi Pete I wondered where u had gone?Give me a bell if u want a trip out from Weymouth week 5th to 12th,I`m there all week Nige
  3. Tom 5ft 10 is that with your high heels on? Nige
  4. Sat picked mate up from Yarmouth and started to head out to the brittles just to give them a go,got within a few miles and fog hit us.So as not having radar yet turned round and headed back,sat on bank 6 miles off St Cath`s and managed 2 undulates 9lb & 12.4lb numerous jumbo pout,dogs and a conger 25lb.Also a smoothound on hermit at 5lb,then went dead on change of tide and the flood so went macy bashing for Robs tea.Then towed a non start to Pennington so good deed done went home Sunday my brother and his mate were with me and after an hour his mate had laid so much ground bait I called it.Best to get him back on land as he was a nasty shade of translucent white .The rest of the day was slow but managed 7 species and spent a nice day with Bro Nige
  5. Well done lads yet another cracking report and some lovely Tope that make your kayaks look small Nige
  6. Yet another cracking report well done
  7. Mike its not far really,Ive known people that have done more distance on wrecks for less return.But saying that I just love being on my boat,and with ME TRACTOR SEATS I don`t get beaten up at all.Been on boat today for 10 hours,before my back would have killed but tonight its fine Nige
  8. Got an early start due to tide, the Christchurch Ledge was well choppy and with a rubbish tide for the bream.So I headed to the other Ledge close to Weymouth and tucked behind the cliffs and it was doggies R US so I got the uptider out and 15 minutes later this nice undulate of 15lb4oz,that was the highlight of the day at that point.Made my way home to Christchurch and had a quick look at the patch and to my joy a Dolphin showed and came within 6ft of the boat then went before I could get the camera out a first for me in this country. Nige
  9. What? Adam didn`t u win any?Or did u get piped at the post again? I think I won one back along didn`t get voucher came joint first? Please check your`e records Adam Nige
  10. Sorry to here that John,obviously they don`t have mobile phones or morals! I am a firm believer that there is a reason for sh3t like this and something better will come along Nige
  11. niggle

    Weymouth Marks

    Welcome Peter,Tom B knows of a few marks that way.I`ve had Conger below the Prison in autumn in the evenings,groundbait to get them really going,Huss around the other side of the bill. Thats the little bit I know but TB has a mate at weymouth might be worth crewing for him u will learn a lot Nige
  12. Mike has your cylinder head got holes in head for glowplugs? As u could fit them and relay.If its hard to start this time of year whats it like in winter? Ref the injectors if not been serviced in 20 years I would get them serviced as will run much better and more efficiently.For that u could use John at Poole Diesel tell him Nigel sent u from Nuffield Motors and he will look after u
  13. niggle

    Any Sparky about?

    Might be worth a call to my mate Nick Bainton if u are considering LED lights as he supplies all the wholesalers and although a bit dearer in first place cost virtually nothing to run.And he has alsorts to demo at yours? And they are great on the boat too Nick 07801981910 Just an idea Nig
  14. Petrol Mike
  15. Well done Mike gave u something to do while waiting for all those people to turn up to buy ur boat Nige
  16. Jeep Grand Cherokee 4 litre auto P reg fully loaded i.e leather electric seats with memory A/Con towbar etc etc Mot sept tax until end of month surplus to requirements as we now have 6 cars inc my 2 sons cars Priced to sell no offers
  17. I agree with Paul,try both and throttle right back.BUT one day when its nice and flat it would be rude not to just try her out,wouldn`t it? I know I would sod the fuel,your only here once! IMHO Nige
  18. Flippin heck John,I know u said u wanted to go quicker but ur old boat will feel like a rowing boat compared to that beauty Hope all goes well Nige P.S if u need a chauffeur/pilot for ur new beast I am always available
  19. Go on then John,tell us whats going to take its place Nige
  20. First proper try today even waited for wind to kick up,it`s soooo good,like riding on air probably best mod I`ve done.So much better on my lower back WELL PLEASED Nige
  21. White Grease it is
  22. EBAY number 350264622280
  23. For those that are interested,on my QS 630 the seats were rubbish plastic ones.They started to crack so I looked around and as normal all things marine are telephone numbers.I was looking for some to go on the pedestals.Found suspension pedestal in the USA but would still need seats with either arm rests or wrap around.So I looked at seat suppliers and found just the thing,a adjustable weight suspension seat 2 for
  24. Place now taken. Nige
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