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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by bassncodformeplease

  1. Yep Graham its not looking too bad! So out mid chan again? NO No one replied , any of your son's mates want a trip? mike
  2. Looking to get out sunday mainly to try out downriggers and hopefully find a Bass or two! Never used these before but i think would be a lot easier with some help. Anyone interested in trying this with me please PM.. Cheers Mike ps, like to make a long day of it when i get the chance!!!!!!!(7am-7pm ish)
  3. Hi Toby welcome I have a 165 and ventured out brittle star grounds 2 suns ago had a raider 18 as buddy boat. wasn't the perfect weather to be out so far but was ok and i felt safe in me little tub! Happy to buddy up sometime but can only do sundays at present. Mike
  4. OK Jim Some other time sunday fortnight maybe! Ain't got crew for sunday so might have to go sharking alone! mike
  5. JIM you can come and try mine! i'm sure it would be easier with a crew member to help set up etc. mike was looking at playing at sharking sunday but may just go trolling after bass instead! (needles area i think!)
  6. Glad to have you on board especially as i have a mercury mike
  7. You can come out on mine sunday but i only got a 165!!!!!!! mike
  8. Hi all Bought a warrior 165 recently and it came with two complete downrigger setups, bloke used these for bassing off swansea area. Just got some new cable as found there was only 60ft on each. Firstly i was thinking of using them this sunday if i do get out trying to hook a shark! Does anyone use these when anchored or drift fishing or should they just be used when trolling? I was thinking of using both with big baits at different depths after a shark! Would they get tangled fishing two? (would be spread about 9/10 feet apart. Cheers mike
  9. Just wondered what people think, with the reports of lost Big fish recently i was wondering whether maybe using mono may have helped with the extra stretch it might have helped in some cases ( i think) I'm planning on maybe trying around st cath area on sunday ( if weather kind) I Found an OLD daiwa sealine reel in my loft today and was thinking of loading with 60/70lb mono instead of braid i use for most boat fishing these days. Any thoughts on the subject???? Mike
  10. Nige remember i have that 7.5kg plough if you want it its yours!!! If you can find some cheap stainless rod 8/10mm i can make more alderney rings!!!!!! Anyone near the garage stock it? mike
  11. Good choice Graham, If i had the money and the space i'd have gone for a Warrior 195! Or a Raider Good luck with her. Mike
  12. Would love to be able to get time off and maybe join Gordon but its difficult so only able to get out on a sunday! I'm watching the forecast for sunday as its looking good at the moment. Would like to get a summer cod out on my own warrior so might be looking for a buddy boat for SUNDAY. Best of luck, Mike
  13. hi Alun Shame its tomorrow and not sunday as i'd love to come but have to work till 10.30am. never fished the rips and would like to try. mike
  15. I've never launched from weymouth, wouldn't even know where to find the slipway! I try and keep towing distances to a minimum only ever used kimmeridge twice and that was earlier this year. Never had any probs, had a dory then and could launch at low water no problem. Would be happier at kimmeridge if you didn't have to take car and trailer up to the field at top else would probably go by myself... cheers mike
  16. Cheers Dave i know what it can be like as do a bit of shore fishing there. The rollers do seem to disapear quite quickly as evening falls but not always. As no one has responded its looking unlikely that i can go though it seems like there are some fish there to be caught! Wait and see, just hope you haven't frightened everyone that also looked at that post! Just to far to travel from poole in a little boat. Mike
  17. hi nige Can't get down for a day but could get down late afternoon one day if you wanted some company for an early evening trip mike
  18. Hi, Looking to take my warrior down to shambles on sunday. will launch from kimmeridge. Weather permitting. So looking for one crew. Prob be a long day 7am til 8pm ish! Might be a bit boring but want to try and get my 2nd turbot of the year. My little daughter loved the last one! If anyone interested pm me or buzz on 07963320071 cheers MIKE
  19. Hi To save me taking my hubs off does anyone have the part numbers for the bearings. want to get spares but not from indespension as too expensive! Cheers mike
  20. Hi All Thanks for the advise and help from people. In the end it was something very simple but no one had suggested (not even marine engineers!) that too much air could be getting in to the system! Even though i'd had carbs off twice before i hadn't even thought about checking the O rings on the carb to manifold, one set is hidden until you take the spacer plate off which is just held on by 2 plastic inserts. Why didn't i do this before? I've spent hours on this and then found last night that all 4 O rings were damaged! 3 had bits out of them and 1 just squashed to death! Thanks to Niggle i now have new O rings (not right ones but will do till get some) and started engine and runs perfect. Probably need to get it tuned as someone adjusted all the screws on the carbs! (not me someone i paid!!!) Thanks again...... Mike ps. I must have the cleanest 2002 carbs now as i've cleaned them 3 times in a week!
  21. Have found how to test the choke now( downloaded the manual!) All seems fine with this, was hoping my engine probs would be a simple thing like the choke but no such luck! mike
  22. the place tom is on about is paul miller (dorset soil and agg i think) Now theY call it THE STONE ZONE.
  23. Suttles at tower park stock and sale them. they've got quite a few at the moment, not sure on price (they were
  24. cheers Bob for that but nothing as simple i'm afraid. Tried 2 tanks, changed fuel line and bulb etc etc etc. It has fresh fuel. cheers mike
  25. Hi all Keep getting let down by marine engineers so wondered if any one here may be able to HELP! My engine starts ok, runs ok upto 1800revs but dies after that, it was doing it only under power but now seems all the time. One engineer thought it was fuel pump diapragm (its not split) just showing signs of wear. still waiting for a new one. I've had carbs off and spent hours cleaning them, they were it bit mucky with crystals from old petrol, i found 2 sml jets blocked but all are very clean now. put them back on expecting to have solved prob but still the same! it seems to me that number 2 and 3 spark is weak, changed over coil packs and still the same. So i need to know whether it could be the Stator or something else and also how do you test a Stator? Any help would be gladly received. cheers mike
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