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Everything posted by bassncodformeplease

  1. hi, would love your boat but would need to sell warrior 165 first any trailer? what about mooring is it available to rent . bankside or trot? cheers mike
  2. well done. did i see you? launched from kimmer today but at 7.45am back at slip about 6.40.... nice day to be out mike
  3. Managed 4 on my boat at the shambles. 2 each for me and kev(ten four) my best was 1lb 4oz (weighed at home 8hrs after capture!) mike(pushedupmyspecieslistbyfourtoday )
  4. done 4 you tom. u owe me if u win mike(redasabeetrootcoziforgotmycaptoday )
  5. 1) Martin, Dean & Tony Deavin on "AWOL" 2) Brian (cabin boy) and Stuart on Sea Dream 3) Brian, Mark Osborne (new member) plus Thomas Boyle and Tamzin Osborne (new junior members) on "MegaByte" . 4) Graham & Steve (non member) on Little Sal 5) JV - AF+ crew 6) mike and mick on r2d2 7] Alfie & Sally on Dream Drifter 8) Toby & George (non member) on MONDAR 9) Mike, Carol and George on "Frisky Fox" 10) Trev on Otter + crew TBA poss Rupe. 11) Ellen Derek + Pete non member 12) mike & kev (ten four) on contagious
  6. Good fishing where ever you end up I'd Love to come but i'm hoping for a restful day, hope my crew will do all the work Good luck on finding crew but i know you ain't bothered about going alone not now you got RADAR Mike (ificatchaherringi'llbehappy) but loads would be better just got new smoker
  7. Graham, check to make sure your fishfinder isn't in demo mode New one for the books a herring, had couple at chesil in past. i may be down shams sunday, not 100% sure yet, are you planning 2 go that way sunday? Mike
  8. Leave some spotties and turbot for me on sunday please must be nice to go fishing on a work day must try it some time mike
  9. same spot as you but hope to be there first mike ps. not sure yet. niggle might want to go out deep again then i'll join him
  10. I have a ABU 6501C3, put line and tappered leader on tried it one cast and not used again (couldn't get on with LHW) This reel is for distance casting, no level wind and has ceramic bearings. My father got me this over
  11. I have a Mitchell 440 special (one down from the match) It is absolutely Brand New, never used or even had line on it, comes complete with spare spool in plastic holder and in original plastic Case. The instruction book is in french no english! Thought i'd ask on here first before sale elsewhere, i was hoping a few years ago to start my own collection but wife,kids and boats have ended that DREAM Looking for
  12. WE Will see who needs the fishing lessons nige what time av i got to get up? 4.45am my god don't sleep anyway so what diff it make mike(goingtocatchsomethingdifferentonsunday)
  13. CANCELLED!!!!!!!!! want to get out sunday, but don't know whether wind will be too much for fishing shambles this week, would need crew but it would be a last minute dscision whether to go. anyone interested????????? mike UPDATE WON'T BE GOING ON MINE NOW AS I'VE BEEN BEGGED BY NIGGLE TO HELP PUSH HIS SPECIES COUNT UP SO WILL BE OUT EARLY WITH HIM CHEERS MIKE
  14. I hope to be out there somewhere where. with who. on who's boat that is the question mike
  15. wot you got or getting? something economical like my landcruiser ha ha. see you soon if you invite me out sunday mike
  16. Yes Jim a warrior day like i suggested last year but then we done nowt about it How about a warrior turbot/plaice hunt down the shambles on 9th april if weathers good mike prob not as a few have boat at marina's etc. long way from poole
  17. Jim i was trying to catch up with niggle, not quite! If the species comp was for fish you caught where ever and on who evers boat etc i'd be in the lead it won't last as soon as the warm weather fishermen get there rods out (jim) mike. next target is to catch something different
  18. Hey who told you Jim? Was shattered last night so have just posted report. mike
  19. will post detailed report monday as i'm bloody kn-ack--d now so watch this space mike \\\graham you should have come
  20. Cheers neal, fingers crossed and all that mike
  21. Well it looks like i have crew now Seems like Rory is allowed to come out to play hope weather stays settled for us. will report our catch (or non catch!) Is there another mark down that way where more likely to catch plaice? I hear about mussel beds off weymouth but no idea where i should be looking Any advice on these marks would be very useful. Thanks Mike
  22. Here we go then ! Ahhhhhh E-Tec ! Jim if i were as rich as you i'd have an e-tec too mike
  23. Welcome Johnny, you are welcome to come out and try my warrior 165. its not new (1999) but i'm happy with it roller trailer makes easy work of launching. i'll be going out sunday down shambles way, prob alone unless someone fancies a trip. mike
  24. hoping to get down shambles on sunday so looking for a crew member if anyone interested. approx 8am til 4pm. after plaice n turbot. not worried about expence as want to go anyway, so someone can have a free trip as long as helpful cheers mike. 07963320071 or pm need responce asap please
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