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Everything posted by wotu2uk

  1. Looks superb, hope you have a load of fish with her John
  2. Love boat shows, HATE going to London. nuff said john
  3. Done John
  4. wotu2uk


    I don't know how relevant this would be to your budget. Nice Sea Hog with all usual trimmings, 2 engines and trailer Sea Hog Only real problem is distance John
  5. wotu2uk


    Balsa fill, used as part of the skin, mainly on sailing boats, can get waterlogged, but closed cell foam used to add buoyancy is (generally) impervious to water. As each bubble in the foam is seperate from it's neighbour (although joined), water in one bubble from mechanical damage does not travel to neighboring bubbles. This is why Boston Whaler and Etap use it to fill between hull and liner. there is a video of half of a dauntless at speed, with the whole front of the boat sawn off. Looks daft. John
  6. Many thanks, lovely to see it working nicely. John
  7. Many thanks, Guys Kept indoors, warm and mildy tipsy!! John
  8. May I suggest that my fee goes to provide the start of a pool for best fish, or most fish (whatever) John
  9. Sad to say that with temperatures hovering around zero, and with rain/snow forecast for Saturday, my place can go to a hardier soul, with my blessing John
  10. I dont DO mornings! 10:00 for 10:30 is early for me. John
  11. Looks like calm but cold, low wind, for Wednesday. Quite big tides, so I will have to use a bridge lift. Rosie One will be going out on the 10:30 lift from CQ, so if anyone wants a trip, PM me. John
  12. Count me in, please 1. Mrs Sea Greg + Crew TBC 2. Alfresco, Charlie Sam and Dan + crew TBC 3. Quest II Tom, Chris + 1 0r 2 TBC 4. Awol Martin, Dean + 1 TBC 5. Wight Magic , Dave + crew TBC 6. Phaeton, Duncan + crew tbc 7. Serenity + crew TBC 8. Abode Craig + 1 or 2 crew TBC I Hope 9. Rosie One John + 1 or 2 crew TBC
  13. Cod are predatory, they take feathers, so they should take a sinking fly, a BIG one. John
  14. Having had a problem with my anchor recently, I have 100m of 10mm octoplait with some chewed up areas. I will have to examine it to find out the longest usable pieces and hot cut the damaged bits. Should get a piece about 60m long with luck. I dont know whether to pass it on or keep it for a kedge anchor (which I dont have atm). It was brand new rope, paid
  15. I think that I will have a look outside on Monday, providing that my need for diareze has declined by then. Anyone feel like a lift, give me a PM John
  16. Perhaps the club should create a clubwise policy of return only, in advance of any possible legal order. It doesn't, to me, seem reasonable for our members to keep undulates when all commercial fishers must return them. John
  17. wotu2uk


    There is a 12v microwave on ebay atm, item no. 260673706580, around
  18. wotu2uk


    1000W (plus efficiency losses) is a hell of a lump to take from a battery (100amps+). A mug of water may only need 3 mins to boil, but a ready meal or a fresh fish can take 10 minutes or so, which would be a tenth of the capacity of a 120AHr battery. You may also find that you need the more expensive 'perfect sine wave' type of inverter in order to run the microwave. They do make 12v microwaves for caravans and boats, but very expensive imo. this for example: 12v microwave Best plan on a seperate battery on a split charge system. Mains electric kettle is usually considered a no-no for the same reason, current drain is horrible, but again, 12v versions are available, usually low powered, and not too expensive john
  19. They just finished renewing the CCTV, with UV lights for nightime John
  20. 1. Gordon - Fugazi - crew TBD 2. Brian - MegaByte, crew = Mark (non-member) 3. Martin & Dean on "AWOL" 4. Paul - Neo - crew TBD - Want crew Gordon ? 5. John - Rosie One - Crew Dave
  21. 3lb 9oz Ballan Wrasse, see main report John
  22. There is a Plymouth Pilot on F pontoon in CQ, been on sale a while, now down to
  23. Happy Birthday, Mark John
  24. It is on BBC I-player for one month John
  25. Dont quite know how I found this website, but it is worth a look. numpties guide to sea fishing extract: Ragworm The king of baits - ragworm is undoubtedly the most popular shore fishing bait in the UK. It has the ability to induce bites when lesser baits are ignored, and is favoured by most UK sea fish. Ragworm the king of UK sea fishing baits... A Ragworm is basically a malleable tube filled with battery acid that has an insanely sharp pair of finger nippers where its tongue should be and in excess of 100 stumpy legs. If you recorded a home video of a bucket of Ragworm and played it back at teatime, it would have the kids hiding behind the sofa quicker than an episode of Dr.Who. With a 6 inch worm you can attract practically any UK sea fish, or the entire cast of Riverdance.
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