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Everything posted by wotu2uk

  1. wotu2uk


    Happy Birthday John
  2. wotu2uk

    Fitting radar

    I believe that to correctly align the overlays, the compass needs to be a rate compass rather than a basic fluxgate type. this from Wikipedia: The basic fluxgate compass is a simple electromagnetic device that employs two or more small coils of wire around a core of highly permeable magnetic material, to directly sense the direction of the horizontal component of the earth's magnetic field. The advantages of this mechanism over a magnetic compass are that the reading is in electronic form and can be digitised and transmitted easily, displayed remotely, and used by an electronic autopilot for course correction. To avoid inaccuracies created by the vertical component of the field, the fluxgate array must be kept as flat as possible by mounting it on gimbals or using a fluid suspension system. All the same, inertial errors are inevitable when the vessel is turning sharply or being tossed about by rough seas. To ensure directional readings that are adequately stable, marine fluxgate compasses always incorporate either fluid or electronic damping. An alternative is to use a 3-axis fluxgate magnetometer to provide a 3D flux vector, and the magnetic heading is derived from the flux on a plane perpendicular to gravity, thus providing immunity from pitching, and rolling. Fluxgate compasses and gyros complement one another nicely. The fluxgate provides a directional reference that's stable over the long term, apart from changing magnetic disturbances, and the gyro is accurate over the short-term, even against acceleration and heeling effects. At high latitudes, where the Earth's magnetic field dips downward toward the magnetic poles, the gyro data can be used to correct for roll-induced heading errors in the fluxgate output. The latter is a rate compass, I believe, a combination of solid state gyro (piezo) with a compensated 3-axis fluxgate magnetometer, an example being the Simrad RC42
  3. lovely report, excellent read john
  4. Happy Birthday, Adam and Fred John
  5. my estimate says 20 gallons per hour at cruise, maybe double flat out John
  6. wotu2uk

    documentary ??

    excellent film, congrats to all concerned john
  7. Many happy returns, both of you John
  8. Happy Birthday , Mike
  9. Finally got my hds back, but they could not repair it, so they gave me a brand new one. Out tomorrow if weather holds John
  10. Many happy returns John
  11. 18 today! Don't drink too much john
  12. Happy Birthday, Dean john
  13. entering the MMSI number is an option on the radio menus, not on the plotter. John
  14. wotu2uk

    PDF web site

    All I got from the link is an odd advert John
  15. Great report, and congratulations to all for doing it. Perhaps a safety boat next time? John
  16. As a matter of information, you can buy these fittings in brass john
  17. Happy Birthday kevin John
  18. happy birthday, Duncan and Dave John
  19. still waiting for mine, then I have to get transducer fitted on transom Nigel (niggle) may have his working now john
  20. unless anyone wants a lift (I only have 1 berth in cabin), it will be 1 for restaurant on moa'ki warrior john
  21. For those with VERY deep running cost pockets, there is a 27ft Boston Whaler in cardiff for
  22. Many happy returns, Chris John
  23. To continue the sad saga, Got the HDS 7 head unit back from repair at navico yesterday, fitted it to the boat, and they have done NOTHING. Still no sonar, still software hung up. Sending it back again on Monday John
  24. Happy Birthday, Paul John
  25. Happy Birthday, Tom John
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